Might I Court You? Again?

"What is the problem with that?" Remus asked as Marcus rested his head on the table, pulling at his hair in annoyance. 

"What is the problem with that?" he asked, glaring at him. "What is the problem with that?! Many things!" 

"If we reveal her as a whore to the people, then they will lose all respect for her and we will not need her anymore." 

Roman frowned more as he heard him say that.

"No." Marcus grabbed Remus by the collar, glaring at him. "You will not reveal this to ANYONE." 

"You are right, your majesty." He said, thinking. "Since you have slept with her, your reputation could also go down. But ... you will be seen as a victim here. If we could j-" 

"Did you not hear me, Remus?" he asked, voice filled with venom. "No one will be telling anyone about this. I only told you because I trust you." 

"Why do you not want me to tell anyone?" he asked, pushing him away and fixing his collar.