The fiery mess

Zachariah just got news that a volcano erupted and the lava is heading straight to town Zachariah hurried and said galax claws up. And then when he got to the lava the hole team looked at him and asked what to do and wolf noir said Elle you create a hole in the ground to slow down the lava viperanion get all the people to safety linex run and get water from the river close by. Everyone said ok and wolf noir used his alpha howl then he asked the wolfs if anyone was in the lava and they said 4 people they are northwest from here the wolfs said. When Wolf noir got to a safe place he said galax fang down. Then Zachariah gave galax real red meat and then he said galax fangs on. Then he saw a little fire and lava button then he pushed the lava one nothing on him changed he walked to the lava and touched it and he did not feel anything and it seemed like his team did the same thing so wolf noir told them there were 4 people stuck in the lava so they split up to find them and when they did they called the ambulance to come pick them up. And when wolf noir looked back the lava hardened and it stopped flowing. Next time on the adventures of galax and Zachariah.