I'm The True Owner Of Yang Group

"Minister, please forgive me. I lose my mind when I heard the news because it was so unexpected, but - "

"Just because you lose your mind, does it mean that you can disrespect the Chairwoman?" Garcia Han interrupted Director Park in an unyielding voice. Her sharp gaze was still fixated on the Director.

"No, I don't mean that." Director Park shook his head continuously. He was at a loss for words!

"What I tell you to do is to kneel and apologize to my daughter, not explaining yourself or apologizing to me." Garcia Han firmly said, enunciating each word. "And because of your reluctance, you must kneel here until Nicole accept your apology. Until then, don't even dream of leaving this office."

Nicole hid her pleasure of witnessing such a scene and turned to Garcia Han. "I'm fine, Mother. There's no need to go to such length." She said with an almost pleading voice. Just as she thought, it only frustrated Garcia's more!