new laws

I met with my teachers and they carefully explain everything, I had to attend school to act normal, and also learn all human knowledge in the shortest possible time.

my magic teacher taught me how to concentrate with my magic and allow it flow as a part of me.

"we are not really magicians, we are magic alive so it's a part of us like our hair, hand etc" well that's her theory

Ana looks 26 but she is actually seven hundred and four years old, she has big hips and a small bust, she is what you will regard as a very sexy lady only that she lost the smile in between, she is very strict but has great knowledge of the helm world from politics, to Medicine to law, business and even dancing. who wants that right but the things I am to learn are listless when I first received the list of things to learn I felt like fainting I have even have to learn how to socialize and how to eat in public.

well the one I think will be very issue is how to mask my feeling, well let me not bore you with this particular teacher, so I left to find my magic teacher - Miss Penn

as I enter the place for our class unlike miss Ann class the place was blank and she was sitting in the air, seriously this is show off I thought, well I am going to enjoy this class because I finally get to use my magic as much as I want.

"come princess, life is too short to waste" she said

I laughed in my mind "but you have been around for hundreds of years" I said. I knew for my mother to pick her she must be powerful and old, well the older the age the more you can dispense your power without your body giving up on you.

"first rule, never ask a girl her age on a first date it is actually annoying, secondly I don't teach lazy students, if you are lazy and expect me to understand because you are a princess get out" she said then close her eyes.

I stood there in silent, I am a princess I am supposed to be treated with respect but since I came here only the maids respects me.

"I promise not to be a burden ma" I said

"great she even has her manners, nice oh what a nice child" . did I say I will enjoy this class, sorry scratch that I am so dead.

"do you know what happens when you use more magic than your body could carry" she asked.