No 'us'

"Nick, we can't", said Ella, her voice nervous, with her face turned slightly to the right, still getting used to the proximity.

"Do you know you are very beautiful. This dress," said Nick close to her ear while glancing at her back which was bare, spare for some strands of her hair let loose from the front where she had tucked on one side of her shoulder, "is emphasizing that. You can't hide from who you are, for very long. The Queen will need to take her throne", his voice becoming huskier till the last words. He continued, "And the Queen will need a bodyguard or... a soldier. So, I have to hop in!"

By then Ella had completely turned her face towards Nick, looking straight into his eyes, leading to her lips brushing his. Uncaring about the way they were standing, she argued, "No. And that's the order of the Queen. You have to follow it."

"May the Queen hang me for disobedience then", replied Nick and loosened his hold from the railing away from Ella to walk to his seat, all the way staring at her unabashedly from top to toe. The way he was looking at her only made Ella all the more aware of him, she was expecting a kiss from him after they were standing so close, that the moment he walked away, she felt at loss. Ella told herself to focus and tried again, "This isn't a game, Nick. Don't you get it you are only going to be a burden for me. The more we meet, the more are the chances of me being found out. I have never had any friends or acquaintances here; I can't have any." Ella didn't want to admit to herself, but telling it out loud made her feel more awful and helpless.

Nick saw her hurting a lot, though she was standing erect and composed; he had a surge of unmistakable anger for Roy. He couldn't believe that Roy Knight was actually behind all this. Him and Roy being of the same age, he had known him for a long time since middle school. It was at that time, Mark Kingsley had taken Roy in; When Mark found him stealing money from the tourists visiting one of the museums, Kings' had invested upon recently back then. It wasn't very grand, but the mere mention of the investment had a lot many tourists to count upon. Mark didn't miss the boy then who was walking leisurely and helping the visitors in direction, when he would subtly manage to get hold of light weighted valuable things. There was once when Roy had helped a woman by being a guide, "Miss, you must be careful of your valuables in the crowd. There are many imposters and robbers around town, please be careful." Saying that he would go away in another direction. Then when the lady did what he said, by removing her ring and necklace with her earrings to put it safely in her bag. The bag was actually a big one to cling it on one side of the shoulder, and helped in not feeling the weight of what was inside. That was the reason Roy chose the lady as his next victim. The handbag being a broad one was easier for young Roy to make a hole in and get whatever his hands caught up to. While touring the place, Roy was walking closer to her and had managed to swindle out the lady's purse, necklace, and other things. It helped a lot for him, with the feature of the bag.

As Roy was whistling out of the exit before the others, he found the man who saw the whole thing to be looking at the boy. Roy at first thought that the man was waiting up for someone else, so he went on the side track to pass the man, but then the man with his hands in his pocket, spoke, "You holed my company's brand lad."

Roy was completely silent, not uttering a word, who knew that this man went on to keep a close look on his brand's items even after they were sold. Was that even a job? thought Roy. Roy then replied innocently, "Do I know you?"

"Whole city does", answered Mark. It was then Roy understood his statement when he saw cars behind that man lined up and some black dressed body masses standing erect looking at his direction. Their eyes was covered too! How the bloody hell are they able to see anything?!

"Look man, I don't know you. So, you can go on to others", said Roy motioning to others who were still touring the museum.

"And what should I do for you to destroy my brand's bags? The way you cut it away like butter, will only degrade the production and sales."

Roy had no idea what the man was speaking and looked confused, "Eh?"

"You holed the bag. Which means it's not strong enough to hold such a damage. What should I do now?" Mark said at the boy accusingly, stating he was more worried about the bag than the valuables.

"Um, what do you want?"

"What would you do? When you are walking around with you bag having all the items that you steal to sell, only to realize that the bag tore and your valuables were gone!" Mark enquired while walking around the boy and coming to stop again in front of him to listen to the answer. He was standing with his hands on the pocket and waiting for the boy's answer. "You don't have much time till the tourists are going to exit here, and then you'll be caught. Answer me, and I might consider to save you."

Roy didn't understand what he did to welcome this problem. It was only three minutes left for the tour to be over. By now he had thought to escape as soon as he got out. But this man here, had held him up. He went on to answer the obvious, "I'd steal again. It ain't my fault the bag can't hold it."

The man blinked. Roy continued to say, "It's the man who didn't make a good bag!" "So, what would you suggest the man to do?"

Roy looked at the man like he was the stupidest fellow standing here, even more stupid than the lady. "I won't say nothin'. Why'd I lose my bizes? Little wrong happen. Try again!" Mark was impressed and angry at the same time. He knew the boy had the potential, especially with the way he understood 'business' in this situation. He had not yet taught his daughter about it. But Mark knew that it would be very beneficial for having this young man.

Roy thought that it was over and went past the man when he said again, "If your role is exchanged with the man, then what?" Roy answered, "Then the bugger can't have the bag! It'd be too expensive for 'im." The boy was surely thinking too high of himself, and that too at this age. Mark went to the boy and said, "I saw it all. You could go to the prison for a very long time, and no one will even find you."

"I ain't gonna trouble you Mr. I'm on my way, you on yur way."

"You go on your way; you will be caught. You come along my way you will work", stated Mark

"What work?"

"Work for me. You'll get paid and well fed for your serviced."

"How should I believe you? I ain't a nobody."

"Then be somebody. And never believe. Specially while dealing. That's your first lesson." Mark paused and then continued, "What's your name?"

"Roy", the boy said with his serious eyes and strong jaw, claiming to be a man and not just a boy.

"You will be the face for the king, Roy. Choose your name carefully." The boy looked at the man and contemplated the words 'face for the king?' Wasn't that a soldier? thought Roy.

"Soldier?", asked Roy. Mark laughed hearing it and then looked into the boy's eyes saying clearly, "Now on you'll be Roy Knight. Pack yourself and follow the king. Fast."

That was how Roy came to be in Mark's employ. This was something Roy had shared with him and the others while in a high school party. He was proud to make up his own life through a deal. Now, the world in the business became a drug for Roy, which he had already decided to conquer.