
The entire night Ella was wide awake with her thoughts and her mind filled up with something or the other preventing her to fall asleep. As said her thoughts staged through-

Surprise at finding that her father was wanting to get into a covert operation which would not only be illegal but also harm the humanity. The people of London were dependent and proud to have their throne to stand for them; which was a strong facade for the whole continent.

Shock was the only word that came to her mind after placing the puzzle pieces in her mind. Like the reason for her father to sacrifice her to the middle-east nations as an assurance for the backing of the throne fits too well. Ella gulped thinking if she hadn't escaped then she would have fallen prey to his plans because she knew she wouldn't deny it. Or couldn't deny it. He would have persuaded her to be involved in it.

Denial was the feeling Ella craved to hold on to in cases where she doubted her father who loved her in his own strict and firm way, would mislead her in believing that they have been doing everything for the sake of the people and the corporation. If her father was the part of Faceless then why was he killed? Yes. A daughter's father being dead on her birthday would be the curse for her to live the entire life. The death of Mark Kingsly was termed an attack in his heart compelling the world to believe it as a natural death. But she had always doubted that as it was so coincidental that her mind couldn't go round it being an accident.

Thinking about what happened on her birthday she closed her eyes which were welling the tears she had held for the two years and cried muffling her mouth in her pillow. Shoulders shaking so hard she was angry with herself as she realized it might be her fault that her father was dead. If she hadn't left then he wouldn't have been threatened by the others and he would have been alive. Thinking it repeatedly turned her sobs harder and she finally wailed while lying on the bed, pillow soaked up unable to cover her sounds any more.

She had no right in blaming her father when it was him who was saving her the entire time. Surely he had a reason for doing what he did and he wanted her to fulfill that. With that determination Ella let the exhaustion claim her till possible.

"...could be that the Queen would spare our lives?"

"Do you hear yourself? There is no such definite proposition made to look after us."

"Yeah, she could get greedy."

"And we will lose our..."

Discussing whispers were audible enough for Ella while she entered the hall, the Oil matter had been prone enough for demanding a meeting almost every day now. Which wouldn't have bothered much if only it would have produced the results required. Taking her seat facing every individual, she tried not to notice the empty seat next to her and spoke calmly.

"Please proceed."

The screeching of chair in the quiet room motioned all ears to the person, "Good morning my Mistress. I am Jared Bailey who has the appointed week for this meeting. We looked into the matter of possible suspects backing the Middle-east."

"You said 'we'. Mention who all exactly, including those not present here," her extra calm voice keeping everyone on alert mode. They were not members of the biggest corporation for nothing, to not know when their Queen is in her moods.

Mr. Bailey cleared his throat, "Forgive me Mistress. The people who were working along this were Mr. Smith, Mr. Cooper, Mrs. Pemberton, Mr. Dale the minutes recorder and myself."

"Why was Mr. Dale included in this?" Ella asked when it was clear that the man recording minutes was no member of the Kings'. With all attention to himself the boy suddenly stopped writing and stood from his chair bowed to the Queen, but didn't speak any as that was his duty. To be as invisible as a recorder.

"As he had records written about the previous meetings, we needed a help in better understanding as a third person."

"You mean to remind you about what happened in the previous meetings than wasting your time in searching on your own."

"Eh... Yes. He was very helpful." He didn't dare to counter her thoughts.

"What about the others? What have everyone else contributed other than sitting here and listening to news?" The straightening of each one's backs was well noticed by Ella.

"I don't know much how the things worked earlier, but in my reign, I expect to see each one's equal assistance in matters portrayed in this hall. This is a global phenomenon we are handling, so stop behaving like the parliamentary aristocrats living only to raise their hands." She turned to the man in the corner and instructed, "Mr. Dale I would like you to mention this in today's minutes bit by bit, till you learn your duty and be bound to that only." The man bowed to her in acknowledgement which was an indication enough that her word shall be regarded.

Ella turned to the week-person and said, "Pass the orders to not ask for Mr. Dale until I have personally said so. And what have you all found out?" She returned back to the topic while leaning back in her chair to listen their replies where her thought reminded her continuously that it was a wrong cause they were discussing. Composing herself mentally, she heard all their statements, nodding once in a while.

"The Chinese have formed a pact with the Pakistan, the very country which has good relations with the Arabic countries. It forms a pleasant explanation for the suppliers to demand extra money from the richest ones."

"Aye. They are intending to conquer here." Said another man.

"What have you thought to do Miss Kingsly?" It was Mr. Park with the same mock in his tone. Turning to him she smiled lightly and asked, "What ideas do you have for me Mr. Park? I gather you have been here for almost a decade to know the threat which had been looming here. It's bothering me you didn't volunteer Mr. Smith and the others to guide out the most."

Effectively Mr. Park cracked through his facade for a bit after which gathered himself. "Apologies Mistress. I believe some matters are best discussed and understood by knowledgeable men." He emphasized more on the word 'men', making her raise her brows at that. He rather continued with an innocent question, "Is Mr. Knight perhaps sick for not attending today?"

There wasn't any other indication needed to Ella that he was blatantly challenging her and the others' insight through Roy. Everyone sat silently including Mr. Bailey listening to what he said and discreetly looking over to their Mistress, awaiting her reply.

"Why would there be a need for Mr. Knight when you can surely decide that knowledge of yours on your own? Or is it, that you can't think of any and excusing yourself for him, Mr. Park?" Around the corner there was a snicker heard. It was the minutes boy who was covering his laughter behind his hand. Sadly, he had to behave like a wall in the corner or he would have surely reacted brightly to her comment. Mr. Park visibly got furious with her statement but kept his mouth shut, probably remembering the last time when Mr. Knight had insulted him in front of her. While for the rest, none dared to take either of their sides knowing well of the unnecessary attention they might bear.

"Anyone else who would wish to point their thought is always welcome, unlike Mr. Park who waits for another to express it through." Ella said, thinking that she was doing the exact thing by waiting for Roy to explain himself after which she shall take the steps. The clock dinged suddenly claiming to be four in the evening now. Strangely Ella regarded the clock when Mr. Smith must have noticed her questioning gaze saying, "The clock dings every day at 4 Mistress. It means all official meetings are to be adjourned for later date and the parlor shall be empty after."

"When was this ruled upon? That would mean the parlor to be closed for visits." She couldn't help but ask as she had heard it first time that there was a certain time for closing the visits.

"That... has been ruled by Mr. Knight since he took the authority after Mr. Kingsly. May he rest in peace." The others repeated the amen after him. She declared, "The parlor is to be closed after three more hours. I expect you will ensure it to be passed Mr. Smith." It wasn't an option for anyone to choose, hence Mr. Smith bowed his face to her in agreement.

Ella wandered her eyes to all the people present and continued, "The meeting is adjourned. The final proposition shall be passed on the morrow. Send the mails to all the members seeking their matters in votes. I hope we all support what is best for the country." She gave a short nod finally after which everyone gathered themselves and departed save for the minutes boy who was still noting some last words until he bowed at her and left too.