Intentions of the Prince

"We should go now. He must be waiting for us." "I don't mind." Ella slapped his back trying to get off of him but he was holding her too tightly. How she managed to drag him inside here was now seeming to be unbelievable. "Roy, we really should go." "Elle, I really absolutely do not mind." "You are being unbelievable! Let go now." "You were the one to initiate it and I'm not done yet," saying that he skimmed his hands down her waist to grip her stronger.

"Roy, it's been too long. Let's go now. Please." Ella spoke trying to move her head away but wasn't able to with his chin settled on the other side of her neck. He surprised then by kissing the side of her neck. It wasn't just a small peck but a lingering one which caused her neck's hair stand up. Still feeling his lips, after he shifted back to gaze at her in the dim light, his eyes were almost not visible. "You do what you have to do. But know it Elle, I'll interfere when I feel anything amiss. You stopping me won't work then." She agreed in his eyes, her heart warming up at his words. Hoping that he didn't turn to be what her father had warned her, she said, "I know."

"Let's just hope this Prince reaches out all expectations. I don't like you entertaining that man more than required." "It will be as per our expectations," Ella promised, then clicked the door open for the both to head out. He spoke nothing more and walked along her to the dining.

"And there I thought I will have to eat alone." "We apologize." "No need for that Ella. I was joking." Ella sat at the center of the table where her father used to sit. She had never sat there even after he was gone, but she couldn't give that impression to the outsider. Zayn glanced at the items displayed on the table exclaiming, "You have taken care to arrange our favorite items, Miss Ella. Thank you very much." He spoke with an unnerving gaze in his eyes, or maybe she was thinking too much after being with Roy moments prior.

"We just wanted to make you feel at home." Maybe she imagined it but his eyes suddenly shone with mirth which disappeared before she had a chance to look again. Was it because she addressed as 'we'? Gracing a smile occasionally, Ella felt the rising tension in the room where one man sitting next to her was keeping up gazes on her demanding to acknowledge back, while the other was observing this with undue interest.

It didn't help her form from giving out a shiver in the pretense of two pairs of eyes. Drinking the water, she heard Zayn, "You both are together." Choking, she looked up to meet the man's eyes who was busy cutting his meat as if not bothered by the question at all. "That's the one thing I agree with you. And maybe the only one." Roy interjected happily to which Ella hurried, "Yes we stay here. We are working together, our presence here is required constantly."

"Impressive. I don't think Mr. Knight would mind covering up your share of work in your absence." "Where are you going?" The question was directed to her directly from Roy. Unaware of what was going on Ella had the question in her eyes too, "I was hoping to have a talk with you Miss Ella which will ultimately lead to your absence here." "Ah, yes. Sure." The whole time Roy was watching fixedly her face, but didn't say anything. She was satisfied and disappointed at the same time with lack of reaction from him.

By the end of the lunch Roy left the dining to leave the palace. She knew it because he banged the door shut noisily, without looking back. Sighing softly she briefly glanced at the Prince, "What do you want to talk, Zayn?" She asked after wiping her mouth with the table cloth. "Yes. I want to talk a lot but I am a busy man and you are a busy woman. We can't waste the day off just for the mere reason of talking." "What would you like to do?" She approached hesitantly. He stood up from his chair, rounded it to stand next to her and helped her out from hers, "Come with me." Was it her overthinking mind telling her that trusting all the words of this man was dangerous? Very dangerous. The city is striving on receiving the supply from his country, so that should be enough to make him aggressive.

Dragging her feet she entered his room, who was holding the door open for her with a calm look but she had seen those faces enough to alert herself. He offered her a seat on the bed but she placed herself on the arm chair located adjacent to the bed. "Zayn, I need you to resolute this issue as soon as possible. The impact from it can affect the city badly." "There was no problem in supplying oil, as I have been told. They are just demanding additional compensation for being in the competition." Ella scoffed, not able to control her thoughts now, "The oil from the middle-east is the most important source of income. There are no competitors strong enough to face them, else why would I be talking to you now?"

"You are wrong Miss Ella. Firstly, I don't control these competitors, it's their free will to do business with anyone they want to." He moved over to sit on the edge of the bed leaning over to her continued, "Secondly, there need not be necessarily an oil deporting country popping up, especially when the production of Battery-induced automobiles are close to hitting the market. I haven't studied much on economics, but I do understand such a threat to the long-term rulers there."

"It's no news that the world is evolving, it has been known since a long time back. But this similar case persisted two years back. Was the world not drowning away within these two years, Prince?" He smirked at her comment nodding in acknowledgment, "You suspect foul play?" "Should I? I don't know, maybe you can hint me on that." "The stories were true then about the legacy of Kings' ruling the world. Maybe there are some who don't like that Miss Ella."

She stiffened in her seat contemplating what was this man thinking. "But you have nothing to worry Ella. I told you I will take care of it. I will put a word in your favor." She sat with unchanged expression waiting for him to get to the part where he needed something in return. When he didn't say anything further, she thought that was it and uncrossed her legs getting up, at that moment he took hold of her hand indicating to sit a little while more. She had been enduring his gaze upon her the whole time she had been here; it was like he was unleashing himself in the closed premises. "I have to apologize for what happened to you two years back. It was petty of my father to do that but we are aware of how immoral and unexpected, our parents extort us to. You and I are the living examples of that. In our culture we don't have a responsibility to be bound to only one spouse."

Her mouth went dry thinking about his words, this was something no one understood or felt in her shoes. Not even her mother. Revolting away those emotions her glistening eyes hid from his hinting coldly, "Perhaps you require a permanent solution for your problem. One that would back up against all looming threats." "I am not that of a great puzzle solver, but I hope I understood your words clearly," he spoke charmingly which made her skin crawl and aware that he still was holding her hand. Could this day go any longer?

"Yes. I understand that we both need each other, or should I say you created the situation for me to willingly work with you." He took her hand in both his hands now, closer to his mouth he kissed it staring at her eyes simultaneously. "You are the most incredible woman I've met in my lifetime. And I intend to keep that with me. For long." "What?" She breathed out slowly trying to reason what was behind those black orbs which looked uncanny in the darkness of the room. She never got to know it for long as there was a knock resonating the room causing her body to receive a tremble. Gathering herself on her feet, Ella snatched her hand back from his hold, not bothering to regard him with any consolation for her behavior. Reaching for the door she opened it to find one of the maids; she had to ask out their names if she didn't want to always address them as Maid1, Maid2 and so on.

"Mistress," the girl bowed voicing, "Master is asking for you in the parlor." "I'll be right there." The maid stayed unmoving to which she said, "You can go now. I'll get back to him." "Um, he has told me to escort you..." The girl told nervously. Of course he would do that. Turning back to take a leave she found the Prince to be standing at the same spot with his hands in his robe pocket. She didn't know what robe it was, but it reached the whole length of his form strangely suiting him. Blinking her eyes, she cleared her throat, "I have to-" "Please do. Even if I would have like to keep you longer, work calls." She nodded at him and was about to close the door, when she was shocked to have his hand on hers which was holding the handle. Then he whispered to her, "I hope we reach an understanding soon Ella." Gradually she slipped her hand away from the handle looking away from him and turning away from there as soon as her hand was free. Being reminded of his hold in both of her hands, she suppressed the goosebumps forming on her skin, rubbing her arms calmly.