Calm before the storm

The mother and daughter duo stayed the following days just like it used to be with the obvious absence of Mark Kingsly. Which went back to the days when Roy would have to search for ways to meet Ella in privacy. Not that he would mind doing anything in front of his woman's mother, but he didn't want to take any chances of the both vanishing out of thin air. Again.

"Ah! The chambers are safe now." Roy closed the door swiftly, locking it while making his way inside Ella's old room, which always belonged to her only. Observing around he was pleased to find everything in its orderly place as if she never vacated it. He would have visited her here sooner but her mother had been hindering all escapes he would plan to spend with her. Ella was sorting the papers she was to go through for selecting the options in a new investment. The corporation had been lacking in making any new arrangements and acquisitions as the throne was empty to enforce such additions.

Ella didn't turn to him, used to having him unannounced in her room that complaining about it seemed too much work for her. "I have collected the sample design of the building; the results will be approved later." She said about the building to be constructed for opening a research wing in the outskirts of the city, thinking he had come over to inquire about that. "Give the man and woman a rest, 'Mistress'. I have a gift for your unending allegiance to the corporation." She then turned to him to see a bottle of champagne in one hand and two glasses in the other, he didn't waste any more time to make use of them, handing one over to her.

Accepting the treat, she let the papers be kept aside, positioning herself on the swinging chair which she had missed sitting on while being away. As the bitter-sweet liquid made its way through her throat, soothing her senses and liberating her thoughts.

"Take your shoes away from my bed." Roy grinned at her while resting his hand on the pillow, taking sips from his glass, "Only?" She gazed into his eyes then checked out his appearance, hair being tousled which she envied as he looked good even when not combed. His eyes held the teasing glint she had known since... she couldn't remember, his lips, small beard that had grown on his chin, making her way to his rest of the form, she was reminded of his muscled torso she had seen long way back. Wondering it was just like how she had seen it five years ago or maybe he would have grown fat there. It wasn't exactly noticeable under his tucked in shirt with a coat adorned.

His chuckle brought her eyes back to him, meeting his satisfied look. "Have I passed the test milady?" He made her know that he knew what she was looking about, she didn't say anything other than drinking another sip until the contents were over. Ella stood up showing her glass to him for refilling it, he complied by taking the empty glass from her and making space for her to lie with her on the other pillow. She quirked one brow up, accepting the requesting gesture and taking the now-filled glass of hers. "I didn't know I was taking one." Ella looked ahead not into his eyes and silently enjoyed the calming wonders.

"Tests can only qualify when not given the knowledge of taking them. It is like robbing something without knowing."

"I am glad you are not a teacher," she said without a second thought.

"I have already careered that profession."

"My case was different." She answered knowing she was the only pupil he had.

"Indefinitely. I was employed based on such tests." He sighed continuing, "When I remember those days, I feel like an idiot now. I don't know what your father saw in me to hire me here, but... I would give that man this one credit for changing my life."

"A thief turned into a professor and then the CEO."

He made a face, "I think teacher is fine. Professors sound old to me." He slipped his free hand around her waist, moving closer to her ensuring their wine isn't spilled. "A fantasy between a teacher and student sounds much. more. enticing." He was speaking with his lips on hers, not kissing yet but speaking on them as if wanting to let her feel how the words form on his mouth. She gripped her glass tighter in response, thankful for the liquid not spoiling the linens. It didn't help he smelled of the wine along with his own scent, covering her nostrils.

"A F-Fantasy?" She uttered, on his lips, not yet giving in for initiating the kiss. If she had to be endure being independent of him, she had to learn to control her senses around him. This couldn't be a better time, she thought even though her body was reacting against her control. Her hold on the glass was going limp, when she felt his fingers climbing on her arm which was holding the glass. Feeling both of his hands, she snapped her eyes open, adjusting herself enough to see that he had drank his share and it was lying lone on the other side of the bed. His hand reached her fingers, letting the glass free, he drank the remaining amount all the time caressing her lower thigh.

Dangling the glass to join its other pair he said, "Yes. Fantasy." "For a CEO like you, such words seem childish." She was trying to sound as controlled as possible. In response Roy managed to hover upon her completely with her back on the mattress, one of his hands interlinking her fingers giving enough pressure to let her know of his hold, while the other hand searched hers to do the same.

He leaned closer, his chin poised over her breasts, bristling his beard around her cleavage visible in the dress she had worn tonight gave him complete access to her collar bones. "Rich people are so busy being rich that they miss out the fantastic things." He spoke while replacing his beard with his nose and Ella was managing all but breathing heavily. He ran his teeth on her collar bone, resulting in a hiss from her. "I think I am fine without it." She replied hurriedly, not trusting herself in her first test for herself. Suddenly he let go of her hand and pulled her to him, his hand around her back, feeling her body thoroughly, "Why? You won't know until you have done it." He reasoned the simple logic which wasn't very simple for the woman to hear that she needed to do it with him to base his allegations.

She began feeling aware of her position now. Good start Ella! "It's too dangerous." She gave her last puppy eyed look, turning the tables from being in control to losing it so fast that it was getting out of her grasp. She thought he would pass another snide comment but didn't expect him to laugh. He laughed attractively but she wasn't paying attention to that, rather she became furious he was laughing at her. Shifting away from him, Ella tried to get out of his hold, she managed to move her upper body away to the side, when he realized what she was doing and rolled her in to sleep above her, each of their body parts touching one another. She still tried to get out of his hold, but this time she was not able to move an inch at all. She pointedly stared in his eyes which stopped laughing now but was having a smiling face etched on, "Get off."

"I am sorry. I... reacted without asking what you were afraid of." His apology didn't do anything better. She looked away from him, anger still evident in them while Roy persuaded, "You have conquered so much Elle. I know you feel the desire, just like mine." As he said that Ella's face began burning, she felt his finger on her bottom lip rubbing the texture until sliding it down, "I am going to teach you this too." "W-What?!" He slid his finger till her cleavage until placing his palm over her breast, where her heart was beating too fast through his touch. If she could feel it then he might be hearing it clearly, he rubbed her breast holding it in his palm, Ella couldn't help a moan from her mouth, when he stopped she almost complained to continue with the other side, rather she was panting and gulping the saliva to lubricate her dry throat.

Roy finally kissed her mouth while she was moistening it, her heightened senses helping to give him easier access. The rubbing of their lips was the only sound heard in the room, aside from the silent touch. After a while of the man terrorizing her, he freed her to lie beside her on his back, yet he slid his hand around her waist bringing her closer to him. He kissed her hair and rubbed her shoulder blade with his thumb, "You need to rest. The corporation was working alright even when you were gone. Don't overexert yourself."

She sighed and came out of the beautiful senses answering, "There is so much to do. I can't believe I went away for that long."

"Everything is in control now." He was indicating about the oil issue followed by her getting almost married.

"That's what I fear. It feels too calm. In my experience, this has mostly been the inception of a storm coming." Roy didn't know how to respond to her, he couldn't console her without lying. "I will prepare the armors ready then." He knew she would be smiling without him having to check it. They have come a long way. She was no more the little girl to listen to all his tales genuinely. So he remained quiet, just having her in his arms. If only they lived like this forever. Together. Glancing down to her closed eyes, he thought of the ways he had almost lost her, making him hold her closer. She was his to stay with. Like they had always been. Like they will always be, he promised.