
I still cannot believe that I killed Jay I promise that it was an accident. "Discuss who may be evil." with the way that Kai, Jordan, and Bailey were staring at Tamia made me think that we should vote Tamia "Its time to vote to remove a player." Mr. Smith said. "Look at the way those three are staring at Tamia if we vote her it will be a vote between eight and two," I said. "I agree," Liv said. "I do too," said Vinny. "Put your votes in the box and I will read through them." we put our votes in the box. "I have received the votes and either Bailey or Tamia will be voted out by a vote of eight to two... Bailey, you are safe so that means that Tamia you have been eliminated. "Do yall not realize what happens when you get voted out?" Dvir said. "No... why?" John asked. "Well, people just disintegrate into thin air when they get voted out... don't you think that it's a bit strange?" Dvir said. "And don't you think it's a little strange that you're still sitting in that chair?" I asked. "Well my stomach hurts and I'm just going to sit here for a bit," Dvir said. "Time passes by..." Flick, flick... the lights flicker once. Flick, flick... then twice. POWER DISCONNECTED. "You hear commotion around you." We hear a barfing sound then a chocking sound then a thud and a crack. "Something is... happening." it has gone completely quiet and I don't like it. Flick, flick... the lights flicker once. Flick, flick... then twice. POWER RESTORED. we see the dead body from where we were standing. The body belongs to Dvir there is barf on the table and floor all over Dvir and the chair he was sitting in has tipped backwards and the back cracked on the ground. "What happened here and who was here first?" Liv asked. "Well, it looks like he was poisoned at dinner," Kai said. "Dvir died from the murderer they were poisoned at dinner."