Chapter 1

Salem leaned against the signpost that indicated a bus stop, sighing. Today was the day he graduated with four majors. He had recieved a full-ride scholarship and decided to make as much out of it as possible; finishing a doctorate in theoretical physics, nanotechnology, mechanical engineering, and computer science.

As he waited in the crowded bus stop, he noticed a man's eyes intensely staring at him. He made eye contact and cocked his head curiously.

The man stood at almost two meters in height and was built like a tank. His muscles bulged beneath the large grey hoodie. His face was half shadowed by his hoodie, obscuring all but his sharp nose and downturned mouth.

Getting on the bus that was going in the direction of his apartment, he sat down and pulled out a book to read.

The man who he had seen staring at him previously had followed him onto the bus, making it difficult for Salem to focus on the book he was reading.

As he was reading distractedly, he noticed the man who was eyeing him had never taken his eyes off of him.

Salem shifted uncomfortably underneath the man's gaze. Something about the man's manner of movement made Salem anxious, not to mention the man's disconcerting gaze upon him.

It was about nine o'clock at night when he got off the bus, and to his dismay, he was immediately tailed by the man.

Salem felt scared as he fled into a series of twisted alleys that led him in the general location of his home. His small and unatheletic body struggled to keep up with his speed.

But taking the alleyways was a mistake that ended up making the man's job easier.

That mistake cost him his life. Salem just didn't know it yet.

The man saw him fleeing and broke into a run, chasing Salem down easily.

"Who the f**k are you and why are you following me?" Salem asked in desperation, launching a clumsy right hook towards the man's jaw.

The man easily absorbed the hit and snapped his neck with his massive hands, immediately fleeing from the scene as Salem's consciousness faded into nothingness.