Chapter 67

Rather than go through the gate, Salem and the girls chose to fly over the walls into three different parts of the city.

Salem took the northernmost third, Alina took the easternmost third and Ruby took the western third.

They gave updates every three minutes, staggered so that one of them gave a report every minute. This was a safety measure so that they could be efficient and if one of them became unable to communicate two of them could go check on them. It also gave them a short time between check-ins, allowing them to fight.

Salem glided above the city, checking in every three minutes, observing the comings and goings of the people.

"Maybe I should have given us night vision." Salem said, modifying his mask for both night vision and infrared.

"I have a skill that allows me to see in darkness." Alina said. "Don't worry about me."

"I can use a spell to enhance my eyesight." Ruby said.

"Fair enough." Salem said, banking and going to the very fringes of his alloted zone.

Salem flipped on his infrared vision to better see what was going on beneath them.

Spotting three yellow heat signatures dragging another heat signature go into an alleyway, Salem let the girls know what he was doing and dove.

Flapping his wings to stop his descent and landing quietly on the roof above the alley, he heard crying.

"No, please." He heard a female voice pleading. "Don't do this."

"Sorry, little lady." A voice that didn't sound sorry at all said. "But I've got to try a loli."

Salem jumped down and landed in between the prone figure and the three men.

Spinning his scythe in one hand, he slowly approached the three men.

The girl behind him panicked and crawled away from him, huddling in the alley corner.

The men drew switchblades.

Salem tilted his head as if to say, 'Now, what do you think that's going to do?' and swung his scythe vertically, bisecting one of the men.

One of the men swung his switchblade at Salem who proceeded to sever his hand from his arm and subsequently beheaded him. The final man turned and fled.

Salem nodded in satisfaction and turned to the girl.

'Should I trust her with this power?' He wondered. 'I suppose I could do a trial run.'

He held his hand straight out and materialized a skeletal mask, as if prompting her to take it. This mask was slightly different from his and the girls'. This mask didn't have communication, but it had night vision, infrared vision, and a tracker so he could shadow her.

She tentatively reached out and took the mask. Salem gestured to put it on.

She put it on and Salem watched a cloak billow out from the mask, covering her body, wings unfurl from her back, and a scythe materialize in her waiting hands.

She examined her new clothing in fascination before turning back to the thing that had given it to her.

"Thank-." Her words died on her lips when she saw there was no one there, aside from the two dead bodies.