Chapter 104

"I'll immediately go and tell the city lord!" Douche jumped up to do Salem's bidding, trying to make himself seem better in his eyes, seeking some sort of benefit.

He got no benefits, however. Salem simply sent them on their way with the warning for a city lord and the knowledge that a new Ancient had arisen.

"Why didn't you attack him?" One of the people that came with him asked. He had never bothered to learn their names.

"Do you have a death wish?" Douche demanded angrily. "He's an Ancient! He precedes even the dragons! Not to mention the last Ancient we pissed off destroyed our last world!"

"But we can't go back empty-handed." The other man said reasonably.

"We're not going back empty-handed. We have intel." Douche said. "We can tell him that he's going to piss of an Ancient if he keeps up his present course and I won't be part of that."

"What of his anger?" The man rebuffed. "Who will perish to weather his storm?"

"How about I go alone?" Douche offered. "He can't act so casually around me, especially since I'm about as powerful as he is."

"Now why would you do that?" He asked. "What do you stand to gain?"

"I gain closure." Douche responded instantly. "As soon as I deliver this news I can cut off all ties with him and distance myself from this issue. I won't risk death just because that foolish city lord won't listen to reason."

"Alright, fair enough." The man nodded, relieved he wouldn't have to die.

Salem observed their conversation as Alina and Ruby both came into the small home he had created and joined him.

"Seems like they're finally seeing reason." Alina laughed.

"I don't think that city lord will leave us be." Salem shook his head.

"Why is that?" Ruby asked.

"It's just a hunch." Salem admitted. "I just feel that he's not going to stop until he gets my heart, no matter the dangers to himself or others."

"What could he do with your heart?" Alina asked curiously.

"Well, in my world, there are many fictional uses for the heart of a dragon." Salem thought for a moment. "I don't know how many would actually work."

"So if I learned a healing spell I could theoretically rip out your heart, heal you, and then we could try the methods?" Ruby wondered morbidly.

"I don't think that would be pleasant for any party." Alina said.

"How else would we figure out what dragon hearts could be used for?" Ruby asked.

"Perhaps by killing dragons?" Alina looked at Ruby like one would look at a foolish child. "And besides, Salem isn't a dragon."

"What are the uses?" Ruby asked Salem, ignoring Alina's response. "I'm curious."

"Well, the most prominent use I had found was eating it." Salem said after considering it briefly. "It would supposedly grant you the power of the dragon and dominion of all the elements."

"But why the heart?" Alina asked. "Why not the brain or the lungs?"

"Because a common theme across all the books I've read is that the heart is where they gather their power." Salem shrugged. "And the rest of the body of a dragon can be used for high-level alchemy."

"Ooh, alchemy." Ruby found the idea fascinating. "Do you know alchemy?"

"I know basic stuff from passing mentions across a bunch of novels." Salem thought for a moment. "I know next to nothing regarding how to go about it, but I understand the most basic of principles."

"So no high level potions with your scales?" Ruby asked, chuckling.

"No." Salem laughed "I doubt that I'd be able to do anything without poisoning myself."

.... ...

"You left it be?" Oso slammed his hand into the mohagany desk he sat in front of, shattering it. "Why?"

"It's an Ancient." Douche sat, unperterbed by Oso's outburst. "I'd rather leave it be, no matter how powerful I may be. I suggest that you do as well."

"No!" Oso shouted angrily. "Do you know how much more valuable its heart is?"

"I am well aware." Douche nodded. "However, he threatened any who follow him with death. No scouts will survive his wrath."

"I'll kill it myself then!" Oso yelled. "Where did you meet it?"

"I will not send you to die." Douche stood up and walked to the door. "I hope you see reason. I wouldn't go after it at all."

"I'm going to go after it! Name your price!" Oso shouted angrily.

"No price can make me give up my life." Douche remarked as he left. "Leave it be."