A Pervert’s tyranny.

"Holy shit!"

Feeling the membrane of the girl's pussy tightening around his cock he audibly cursed. The insurmountable amount of pleasure made him stop for some time to get not ejaculate immediately.

The girl was still letting out small whimpers but he cared not. He took hold of both her ankles and flopped them in air to get a better view of their connection. Shortly afterwards, he started moving. He pushed in and out with great vigour to get the most pleasure of it. Seeing the girl hiding her face with her hands, he smirked and bent down. Letting go for ankles, he yanked her hands to get a better view of her tear filled red face. Her ice cold personality was visibly reduced but there was still some trace of it.

Looking downward, he saw two average mounds with pink tops. Putting one in hand and other in mouth he started playing with them while not forgetting to move rhythmically. Instantly, his mouth was filled sweet milky flavour, he sucked them with passion, flicking it and lightly biting it.


He heard a moaning sounds and understood where her weak spot was, and so he went back and forth between two breasts, eliciting continuous moans from the girl mouth.

Even though he tried to preserve, he still felt himself coming close to ejaculating.

He stopped sucking her breast and kissed her small pink lips. He quickly found the hidden tongue and pulled it out before sucking on it.

The girl was forced to surrender under continuous waves of pleasure which she received from both her mouth, pussy and breast. She subconsciously started responding to assaults, intertwining her tongue against his. She moved her waist to particular way to get the most pleasure out of it. Never in her life did she felt this much pleasure, even when her dear onii-sama showered her with his love. Of course with love she mean, patting her head or embracing her, nothing sexual.

Seeing this action he made sure to hit the parts inside the pussy which made her moan, repeatedly. He felt the girl underneath him freeze for a bit and a gush of liquid assaulted his cock. She came.

Smiling a little he broke the kiss and focused everything on getting deeper in her pussy. He felt very close to coming to he pushed with all his might, he felt his cock coming contact to a barrier, it was her womb. The girl eyes were wide open as gasped for breadth repeatedly.

"Please wait, i just finished comi-"

Her pleas went awry as she felt something entering her baby room, she knew what it was. Her legs stiffened, she felt close to coming, again.

"I beg you, please just come outside."

The man was too busy to listen to girl's pleas, after entering her womb, he discovered pleasure like none other. The tight feeling intensified as his balls started ejecting waves upon waves of generous amount of cum, which deposited deep in woman womb. As she felt the hot liquids flooding her from inside, her final barrier was broken as she came too and her spraying hot liquid made the man enjoy himself even more.

After a minute of continuous coming and gasping for breadth, his breathing returned to normal. But his lust was still not satiated. Pulling out his dick, he saw waves of white liquid mixed with red coming out of her pussy.

He grabbed the gir- woman by her waist and turned her around making her lie stomach faced. She didn't noticed but from the very start they both have been levitating in air, so, her back was dirt free.

"Ready for round two!?"

Whether it sounded like question or command, he didn't wait to listen to her answers and pushed his cock back in her pussy, entering the previous heaven, savouring the constricted feeling.


Before she understood what's going on she felt herself in her previous state with something hard plunged inside her pussy. She shivered understanding it's not going to end anytime soon. A feeling of dread assaulted her feeling the depravity that assaulted her from inside out, changing her slowly.


Day quickly passed by and soon night came in the forest. A man groan and woman moan were resounded in silent atmosphere, it's been there for hours.

The man pulled both the woman hands as his balls kissed her clit and he ejaculated deep inside her, again. He collapsed on the woman back. He turned her face to look at the already unconscious woman. He sighed and felt it was enough for first day. He pulled himself out of her pussy, her pussy was already swollen red. She was also filled with sweat and cum all over her body, an astronomical amount of white liquid was spread around in the vicinity.

He circulated his Qi and cleaned both their bodies, taking out a bed from his storage ring, he put the girl on the bed. It was already 3 in the morning, but he decided to get some sleep as well as work on something else. Seeing her sleeping peacefully he smiled, even though he forced himself on her, he by no way would abandon her. He may be a filthy pervert but his possessiveness was extreme. He pulled her in his chest and closed his eyes.

While he was copulating with the women, he felt a certain energy and a set of memories making it's way inside his body. He discovered it was the women memories.

When his father was still not broken over his mother death, he passed him an ancient level cultivation technique. The dual cultivation manual. He understood it mnemonics but never really have deep practical understanding of it. It required you to have intercourse with an opposite sex but till today he was a virgin.

After his lust filled heart was calmed down, his brain started working normally. His mind quickly started sorting out her memories, it was an easy job. With his 100% active brain, he quickly sorted everything in order. It was also good because he wanted to get some basic knowledge of this world. He by no way would ever reveal to someone that he came from another universe.

After couple hours he already had absorbed the memory completely.

He came to understand that this world was a place where people have something called magic and projected their prowess with help of magic sequence. But it is more of a technical skill and people who use this magic are known as 'Magic Technician'. There also something called 'Pushion' and 'Psions'. In laymen terms 'Pushion' and 'Psions' are like Qi but unlike Qi which originated from nature they generate from emotions and will, or so is thought so anyway.

[A/N: Not gonna lie, my brain said NO when I tried to read through the whole Wiki of Irregular High school. The stuff about eidos, psion and other is a little confusing to me. So, I am gonna write what I think would be right IMO. Blame your boy for being a 'little' stupid. That's all!]

He also came to know more about the woman in his bosom, her name was Shiba Miyuki. He sighed a little knowing about her life difficulties, but no one lives their life full of happiness anyway. Through her interaction and memories of her brother, he knew she loved him whole heartedly. But since she was already his, he will make sure she give up on her brother, even if he have to a little vicious.

He found the idea of going to High school to learn about Magic fascinating, plus there are a lot of beautiful flower, waiting to be plucked by him, how can he let them wait. He sighed at his destiny of flower plucker with a huge shit eating grin.

But the problem was, entrances examination for this year was already finished. But he cared not too much because in Miyuki's memory, he found out she came from one of the strongest and most influential families in this country. The laws of strong apply here too, if he want, he can easily get in the school with the help of Maya Yotsuba, the current head of Yotsuba Clan. Also, he found that women very interesting, he will definitely pay her a visit.

While thinking these thing, he slowly fell asleep.


It was after some hours, he opened his eyes to see a gentle and beautiful face staring at him with hateful eyes. She was still in his bosom, naked. Seeing her awake, he smiled charmingly enough to make the woman in daze a little.

"Good Morning, did you have a fun night? Also where's my morning kiss?"

He puckered his lips in her direction but a punch on his chest awaited.

"Let go of me!" Her angry voice sounded music to his ears.

"No. From today onwards, you are my wife. Accept it!" Saying so he forcefully lifted her chin and gazed into her bitter eyes before claiming her soft lips. Miyuki started to struggled but it had no effect, she was dumbfounded at his rogueness and overbearing nature. But she had already felt that last night, even after begging so many times, even after she was unconscious, he kept fucking her. She closed her eyes in defeat and let him to kiss her.