Meeting Miyuki Again.

"But first I should a bath." Thinking out loud Zed went to take a bath and readied himself.

Today was the day he was going to shift to Miyuki house, he was little excited to see the dainty beauty. He quickly wanted to wrap thing up here.

Looking himself at the mirror, he sighed at how dashing he looks, no wonder Maya was not able to resist him. When he was back in his universe, he used to hate it but now it is one of the greatest weapon he had. Remembering those men ganging up on him, he couldn't help but shiver and thanked the heavens that he found that ancient treasures.

Other than that Ancient treasure which was in his Soul World, there were two immortal level treasures which was given to him by his father and maternal grandfather because of him displaying immense talent in cultivation. Immortal level treasure were heirloom for big families, there were less than fifty known immortal treasure from the world he came from.

[A/N: Immortal(the two new treasures)

—>Divine(not introduced yet)—>Ancient(Treasure MC used for Universe travel, only four known in existence)]

If he wants revenge he obviously have to find the people. Yesterday night he obtained the memories and law from Maya. The law though was much more profound that Miyuki's, but it's natural, considering Miyuki is much younger. Since he already understood Law he received from Miyuki in these two weeks, it wouldn't take long for him for understand Maya's. The benefits he received from Dual Cultivation Manual were immense.

It took him several hours before he was able to completely digest her memories and what he found shocked him. It looks like he underestimated Maya because she was women. She had almost destroyed everyone that was involved in this incident, the rest were women or children living in slum. She was completely ruthless, but it made him like her even more.

One more thing he found, Maya was one of the seven sages in the world. A sage has access to Hliðskjálf, a system for gathering information around the world. Because of it, it's users which are sages are almost omniscient. Maya of course already knew about the disturbance he created during breakthrough, but they have no information on him.

"Well, here goes my chance to show off!" Shrugging his shoulders, he went off to meet Maya. When he was concentrating, Hayama came several times but he ignored him.

He met Maya in the garden, she was reading something in her phone.

"You really like this place. huh?" With a smile he sat down on the adjacent chair to Maya. Hayama furrowed his brows and spoke out.

"Such presumptuous behaviour, Miss, this person has no respect for you." Although he was grateful to Zed for treating her miss, he still didn't liked him.

"It's fine, Hayama-san." Maya responded as she took out some documents.

"My school documents?"

"No, these are identification which you asked for, I don't know how you don't even possess one identification. Your school documents, I will email it to you." Zed took out his new phone which he received from Maya some days ago, she was flabbergasted knowing someone in this age doesn't have phone.

"Thank you. Maya."

After he received the mail, he thanked her informally, which earned him another glare from Hayama but he couldn't care less. Honestly, he was thinking having a capable women was definitely a blessing, he didn't have to do anything. Maybe he will reward her later.

"I have one thing to clarify. Do you know about this School system?"

"Hmm, but could you tell me more about it."

"Well, in simplest words, this school is divided in two groups, Course 1 and 2. By the way they are defined you can understand Course 1 students performed much better in Theoretical and Practical tests than Course 2. I am telling you this because, Since the entrance test was already conducted couple months ago and you missed it, with my connection I was able to forge things up but, I was only able to help you get admitted in Course 2."

"I see." Zed was a little disappointed he was not with Miyuki.

"Also, today you will be shifting to my nephew and niece residence, have you made your preparations?" Zed felt like a child being taken care of.

"Yes. But before I go, I want to make sure you are fully healed. Hayama-san, Could you please excuse us?" Seeing Maya nod towards him, Hayama bowed and departed.

"What is it? I know for sure I am already healed!" Seeing Zed coming towards her with a gentle smile, she sensed crisis.

"Nothing I just wanted to say my goodbye." Zed lifted Maya and made her sit in his lap. Her bubbly butt made his dick twitch a little.

"Humph! Didn't you just wanted to take advantage of me." Looking at Maya pouting and talk like a kid, Zed was a little shocked. Maya was satisfied seeing him in shock, she smiled charmingly and put her hands around Zed neck. They gazed in each other eyes and slowly made their way toward each other lips. Their lips touched and locked in a seal.

Maya felt again the rush of helplessness like last night, the sinking yielding, the surge of warmth that left her limp.

Zed tongue parted her lips in search for her little tongue. As their tongue interlocked, the tantalising feeling made them embrace each other tightly. Zed hands were already on her bountiful chest, squeezing them lightly. While Maya hands tightly pulled his neck towards her.

After half and hour of intense kissing, they separated. Maya clothes were already disheveled, their breathing heavy.

"I am sorry but my...that hurts because of yesterday crazy night. Can you hold on for today?" Seeing her talk to him in a little self blaming tone, he compensated.

"Fine, I don't want to hurt you either. But I don't want you to finger yourself in future, just call for me." Zed smirked a little and slapped her ass as if reprimanding her.

"Wha-what? How did you knew?" Maya was ashamed because she was caught.

"Hehe, How can I not know about you." Seeing her being a little frustrated, he did not pushed her too much. After that they just embraced each other for some time before Zed let her go.

"Here is the address, you should go. If you stay here, who knows what you will do to me." Maya in truth was a little reluctant to let him go but she figured they will meet often later.

"Hmm, I will see you later." Kissing her one last time, Zed opened a portal and entered it.

While going through portal, he thought about his advancements. In these two weeks, his capabilities as Magician has increased a lot. It was already on par with Miyuki's. Even if it fails, he still has his Qi.


Miyuki was sitting in her room in daze. Remembering that night, she felt a lot of complex emotions. She still couldn't believe that really happened.

At that time, she went out on a trip with her brother, they were staying at a farm house under Yotsuba Clan. But her brother had some urgent duty, hence he had to return back for a day. Since there ware no practice rooms inside that House, she went out in forest to practice her magic. But it was that decision that changed her life completely.

Every night she couldn't help but please herself. It was like she was addicted to that certain touch. She hated herself for thinking about that person, sometime she thought about him even in front of her onii-sama. Even she didn't know what she felt about him, she did not know whether they will meet again, and if they did, what will she do?


While she was thinking about these things, the house bell rang. Her aunt has already informed them about someone who will live with them, she thought maybe it was that person. As she went downstairs, she saw his brother opening the door.

Miyuki eyes wide opened seeing the person in front of her door, the person she though about day and night was again in front of her. He was still as handsome as always, while she didn't want to admit it, he was even better looking than her brother.

"Hello, Can I come in?" Seeing Tatsuya staring at him, Zed inquired.

"Yes, please. Our aunt has already informed us about you. By the way, do you not have any luggage."

"I will get it later on, since I don't have much anyway." As they went towards the living room, Tatsuya introduced himself.

"My name is Shiba tatsuya, It's nice to meet you." He shrugged Miyuki who was feeling little disappointment that Zed did not even looked at her all this time.

"Ah, onii-sama."

"Miyuki, where are your manners." Miyuki woke up from daze and introduced herself begrudgingly.

"I am Shiba Miyuki." Tatsuya noticed the weird behaviour of his sister. Even though the person in front of him is incredibly handsome, his sister would never get nervous from it. He decide to ask about it later on.

"I am Zed. I hope we get along." Zed extended his hands and shook it with Tatsuya. He saw Tatsuya eyes that were emotionless, other than the moment he looked at her sister.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miyuki-san." Finally for the first time, Zed eyed Miyuki. His smiling face resurfaced her memories of that day, her heart beat couldn't help but quicken.