Mr. K and Clara

Mr. K and Clara are still spending time together alone in Alice's garden, where the house owner is not home.

Clara, who had been spoiled, leaned her body on Mr. K's chest, suddenly looked at Mr. K watched the look on her lover's face.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly looking at me like that? Is there something strange on my handsome face?" asked Mr. K insisted on Clara.

Instantly, Clara's laugh broke when she heard her lover's question, who said, "Handsome."

'Oughh ... why is my lover so confident ...' Clara's mind couldn't stop her complaining.

Mr. K, who felt laughed at, finally dropped his chin on Clara's shoulder while glancing sharply at Clara.

Honestly, Clara was a little uncomfortable with Mr. K, which she thought was too sudden, especially the longer Mr. K is getting spoiled for her.

If you think about it in the past, maybe Clara can't stop thinking that now Mr. K becomes her lover.