River Thames (2)

Jacob looked enjoy aiming at several objects that he thought were interesting, such as the London Bridge, where the bridge's age is older than Tower Bridge.

Then, of course, Jacob is aiming for the Tower Bridge object, which of course happens to be the bridge that is lifted, so it would be great if Jacob captured it, and of course, if with a good angle and the right components, it will produce a much more perfect image, and become Jacob's own satisfaction about that.

"Looks like you are very happy, bro," nudged Chris, who suddenly came over to Jacob while he was busy chewing the light snacks he was holding, which somehow came from a snack that could end up in Chris's hand.

Jacob seemed to shake his head slowly.

He didn't know what to say to him.

T-shirts with jackets and trousers are the style that Chris wears this time.

"If seeing you like this, people would not think you owned a company, Chris,"