Angeline Hatred

After nearly fifteen minutes, Tisha returned to the room where Clara was while shaking her head.

The girl said that a stylish woman was working on Angeline, the girl who told Clara that she had taken her share as an ambassador there.

Clara rolled her eyes lazily.

"Fine, if that's what she wants."

Clara casually called her husband. Not that she meant to rely on Mr. K, it's just that she thought this was too much.

How could she, who was appointed as an ambassador but was treated according to what she thought was uncomfortable, not to mention that his clothes were quite thin.

Without further ado, and at length, Mr. K confirmed everything Clara said, and said that in less than half an hour, he would be there.

Suddenly both ends of Clara's lips curved upwards perfectly.

"Clara, isn't it too much?"

Quickly she shook her head.

"She made me do that," Clara said curtly but emphatically.