Looking For Information

A girl is seen sitting alone with a glass filled with alcohol which is making her drunk, like now after finishing a few glasses of tequila, now the girl is busy supporting her head with her hands, and her eyes are starting to close.

The drowsiness was getting heavier she felt. Just as she was about to completely close her two eyes trying not to fight against the drowsiness, the loud sound from her cellphone startled her enough, that she barely managed to slide the button on her cellphone screen.

"Where are you?"

The question that sounded cold instead she got from the voice on the other side of the phone. Not without reason, of course, the voice seemed to have a feeling of suppressed anger.


The short hum that Angeline gave to someone on the other side of the phone.


Again, the domineering short reply was given by the person on the other side of Angeline's phone.

"The usual place when I'm tired."