Trick For the Trap

For almost five minutes, Zack circled the place he came to this time. Honestly, in the depths of his heart, he felt doubt over the location that was the coordinate point where his AI provided information.

It's just that if he didn't trust the location, how could he meet his girlfriend who he didn't realize he had feelings for ...

He thought it was just a game that benefited him with a clear rational that could make him justify his actions without regret.


He realized that feelings cannot be governed by logic alone.

Zack tried to mask his nervousness by exhaling slowly while clenching his hands in the free air.

Wishful thinking repeatedly circled through his head.

Couldn't he turn back time for a moment?

He should not have used Angeline to enter the real battle in the first place. He didn't know that besides Mr. K, there were other people who would back up the young man.