"Neal! Don't barge in like that! Your wife is very tired!" Tanya scolded Neal, the husband of Bettany, but not waiting Neal answer, she soon added - "It is fine, just calm down jeez, and your son is fine, take a look at him!" When the sentence ended she motioned him to look at the bed.
Probably if the baby was a normal one, it would be scared as shit right now because of the sudden loud noises.
"WOA- sorry, but look at him... he's so... cute?" Even though it was his son, he agreed with his friends that already have their children, that newborns don't look so good, but his actually looked presentable, he had a chunk of black hair on his head, that only if you looked close enough you could see that it was dark green hair, and his eyes was the same that her wife had, those shiny green eyes.
Not that he could see much of his sons' eyes as both were a little open, so he did in fact noticed a green glint from them.
"Hey... Neal, so what will be his name? We need a good name to our boy." Bettany questioned her husband while smiling, before going to sleep she was in need to know the name of the little human.
While the husband was thinking, Bettany lowered her shirt and gave him a famous mammal feeding. And she noticed, her baby was happy, as if it was one of the most delicious thing he ate!
"How about... Nash? He's green all over the place... I think it suits him" Neal said to his lovely wife.
{AN: I will explain in the future, why it suits him...}
"I like it, He will be our precious treasure, more worth than anything in the world..." As the mother finished her phrase she fell sleep to recover all energy spent to give the light.
"Tanya! She's okay right?!" Seeing his wife exhausted worried him but the next words of the woman eased his mind.
"She's fine, let her sleep, and look... the baby is sleeping aswell." Tanya responded, now it seemed that all they have to do, is let the time ran it's course, and feed the baby of course.
'This flavour!? This is heaven... and this name, calling me Nash? I will let this one pass, the payment? Milk!' Thought the snake boy, that was enjoying the food that he was receiving.
And with that said in his mind, he fell asleep to discover new things next time he wakes up.