Chapter 4

I couldn't sleep much last night because of everything that happened yesterday. I was getting more and more distracted by that and haven't been able to focus on school work.

"Aia!" I heard someone shout my name which brought me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see who it was and it was Aera.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you doing? It's lunchtime." She said holding snacks and sandwiches.

"Oh, my bad." I said while gathering my things and following Aera to the courtyard.

"What's up with you lately?" She asked handing me a half slice sandwich.

"My parents already arranged me to be married after college." I said looking at the sandwich.

"Really?! To who?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Riku Takahashi." I said taking a bite of my food.

"Are you serious!!!" She shouted with surprise.

"Yes." I said looking at her.

"OMG! This is HUGE!!! Aia he's like powerful in T.J Entertainment and LSC Entertainment! And also the fact that he's already a famous actor! I can't believe my best friend is marrying THE Riku Takahashi!!! Aia you are so LUCKY!! You're practically marrying every girl's dream husband!!!!" She excitedly shouted while shaking my shoulders. She kept going on and on about how popular he is and about all the dramas he starred in. When she eventually finished it was already time to go take the test in math which is our last and final grade.

I took my seat while the teacher passed out the test papers. I hated math, but I was also kinda good at it, but it was a pretty boring subject if you ask me. The test lasted until class was almost over. Not gonna lie, it was a pretty hard test, but I do hope that Aera passed. A few minutes later the teacher passed out the test and that's when I heard a loud shriek.

"YESSS!!!! I did it!! I finally passed a test!!!!!" Aera screamed with joy and ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell ranged.

I was happy for her plus we did study hard for her to pass this test after all. I smiled as I saw her running and jumping everywhere with a big smile on her face. I headed to the exit gate and found Kai waiting for me. He opened the door for me and he drove me home. I couldn't believe that school was over now. Just three months of summer until college and just thinking about that got me real nervous.

"Miss Aia, your mother wants you to get ready as soon as you get home." Kai said.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"For your engagement party." He stated.

"Oh yeah." I said and looked out the window.

Once Kai drove me home I headed to my room and saw two maids standing there. I was a bit confused and yet I still kept walking to them.

"Welcome home Miss Aia, we are here to serve and help you get ready for your engagement party." They both said in a unison and smiled while opening the door.