Chapter 25 (Riku's P.O.V)

After a long day of shooting for weeks and weeks and hearing Sun Hee's complaints and whines from another room, I can finally relax and rest. I never had time to sit and get comfortable in my room because of filming, always moving to different sets, going to meetings about the drama, scheduling dates for the premiere which got me thinking about the other premiere I was supposed to be at. I really wished I got to see Aia in her dress and wanting to be by her side through everything. I went on my phone and saw a message from Cherry and it was a picture of her, Arata, Aki, Director Reo, Ms. Chinen and Aia from the movie premiere that happened weeks ago. I never had time to check my phone until now and I've missed so much. I looked at the picture and stared at Aia. She looked so beautiful in that blue dress. I kept staring at her, but was interrupted by Director Kazashi.

"What's wrong now?" I asked falling back on the bed.

"Your father is here." Director Kazashi said opening the door wider which revealed my father.

"What are you doing here father?" I asked quickly standing up.

"Mr. Suzuki and I have decided to move yours and Aia's wedding the end of this month, which means you got to leave right away." He said entering the room.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"The business deal happened quicker than expected and to seal the deal and make it official, you two shall marry and close the deal on our behalf." He said straightening his tie.

"Yes father, but what about the filming of the drama?" I asked.

"You guys are almost done right? Just finish the rest back in Japan, where the scenery matched up well." He said.

"Yes father." I said and Director Kazashi and my father left.

I was finally able to go back and see Aia again. I missed her so much. We both did kept tabs on each other and did check up on each other once in awhile, when we have time. I started packing my clothes and bathroom items and I was excited to go home which made me pack a bit faster than usual until my phone was ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Aia.

"Hey Aia." I answered.

"Hey, I heard you were coming home." She said.

"Yeah I am, my father told me that they moved up our wedding to the end of this month." I said.

"The end of this month?! Do we even have time to prepare a wedding that fast?." She asked.

"I honestly don't know but I'm pretty sure our fathers are handling it and preparing it as we speak." I said grabbing my bags and leaving the room.

"Yeah that's true. What time will you be home?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. maybe around midnight or so." I answered.

"Okay, well see you then." She replied.

"Yeah." I said and hung up.

I got on the elevator and went out to the lobby and leaving the building. The driver whose taking me to the airport escorted me out and drove me down to the airport. I got out of the car and grabbed my bags, and letting the driver get on with his day. I kinda speed walked inside and went to look for my plane. I gave the airplane lady my ticket and made my way onto the plane in first class. I found my seat and sat down waiting to take off and got comfortable. I've never really liked flying, so I decided to go to sleep and wake up when we landed. I suddenly felt the need to wake up and when I did, I saw Sun Hee staring at me.

"What are you doing?!" I slightly shouted quickly getting out of my seat.

"Can I not look at you?" She asked smiling.

"No, please and thank you." I said moving to another seat.

"Why are you sitting? We just landed." She said getting up.

I sighed and followed her out of the plane. Once we got off the plane there were security guards escorting us to the car which will take us back to LSC Entertainment.

"It feels nice to be back home doesn't it?" Sun Hee asked.

"Yeah." I said looking out the window.

"You don't sound that happy, why not?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said.

Sun Hee then stopped asking questions and the rest of the ride was quiet. I kinda couldn't believe that Sun Hee could be quiet for this long. An hour or so passed and we were finally at LSC Entertainment. We got out of the car and walked inside and there was my parents talking to Aia and her parents. Sun Hee walked on her own and went past them as I went over to them. This is the first time in almost a month I've seen Aia. She looked a bit pale and a bit thinner than the first time I met her, but she also looked healthy at the same time.

"Riku, we were just discussing the details of the wedding." My father said.

"The wedding will take place in 2 weeks and we will take care of the decorations and everything." Mr. Suzuki said explaining.

"Yes sir." I said and they left leaving Aia and I alone. It became quiet and felt a bit awkward.

"Hey." Aia said trying not to make it sound awkward.

"Hey, you look good." I smiled.

"Thank you. You look good to." She smiled.

"Thank you." I said.

"I see you freshend up for hair style." She said.

"And I see you also have freshend up your look." I said and she smiled. We left LSC and went to a cafe and started talking and breaking the ice like when we first met. We've talked for hours which only felt like minutes. I looked outside and it was almost sundown.

"Are you ready to go home?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah." She smiled as she gathered her things. We started leaving the cafe until a whole group of reporters came up to us and surrounded us. We tried to make our way through, but we didn't succeed.

"Miss Aia, are you and Mr. Riku still getting married?" A reporter asked.

"Mr. Riku, is sthere something going on with you and Miss Kim Sun Hee?" Another reported asked and that's when Aia looked at me.

"Nothing happened Aia, I promise." I said holding her hand.

She didn't say anything and the reporters kept taking pictures and recording everything. I just had enough of them so I had to harshly make my way through and finally got both of us out of the media circle. Aia stayed quiet and didn't say anything for the rest of the night.

"Aia nothing happened. You know that I don't like Sun Hee at all." I said holding her hand,

"I believe you." She said and held my hand.

We walked back to the house and went inside. It was quiet and dark. I turned the lights on and went upstairs. I showered and came out and saw Aia sitting in the kitchen with her tea.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"It just feels unreal that you're actually here. It's been weeks and I've never imagined coming back here." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's just that...ever since you left for New Zealand, I felt lonely and sad and after feeling that I couldn't let myself stay in this house anymore. Every inch of it reminds me of you and I just couldn't do it anymore, so I got my own place about 30 minutes away from here." She said.

"I'm sorry I left you alone." I said and hugged her. I didn't know what else to do after all this is my first time comforting a girl.

"I promise I won't ever leave you again." I said. I stayed by her side until she went to sleep and I could tell that she hasn't been sleeping well at all ever since I left for New Zealand. I wish things would've been different.