The next morning I woke up and started packing. My plane to america was leaving in six hours and I'm not even close to being packed. I went to go change into a white sun dress and continued packing. I didn't want to leave Japan, but I know that this is something I must and have to do for myself. I went to my cloest and emptied out the shelves and everything and there I saw a small photo of Riku and I. I held it and looked at it and saw how happy we looked. The photo was taken back when Riku and I were at the park after our meeting with Jinx, which was almost two months ago. I put the photo on the desk and packed the rest of my clothes.
"Are you almost done?" Himari asked walking into my room.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"You have a visitor." She said.
"Who is it?" I asked getting up from the floor.
"Cherry." She said. I nodded and left my room and headed to the door and saw Cherry. She had a sad and sorry look on her face.
"What brings you here Cherry?" I asked.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for keeping Sun Hee and RIku's relationship a secret from you." Cherry explained.
"It's fine." I said.
"How are things with you and him now that everything is called off?" She asked.
"We stopped speaking and seeing each other." I said.
"I'm sorry." She said again.
"It's fine Cherry." I said.
"WHat are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm going to america for college." I stated.
"Oh, I hope you do good in school." She smiled.
"Thanks." I smiled softly trying not to make it awkward.
Cherry then left and I went back to my room grabbing my suitcase and duffel bag. Himari was outside starting the car and making sure it was cool, so we wouldn't be burning up on our way to the airport. I brought my suitcase and bag to the car and put them in the back seat. I closed the door and went to sit in the passenger seat. Himari shifted gears from park to drive and drove me to the airport. I knew she was sad to see me go, but I know that she's also happy for me because I am doing the right thing for myself. I did notify my parents about going to america for college and there were some complications, but it worked out with them in the end.
An hour or so passed and we finally arrived at the airport. Himari helped me with my luggage and we headed inside. I felt bad about not saying goodbye to my friends, but I also didn't want to disturb them after all they are busy people. Himari and I kept walking towards where I was supposed to go and get on my plane until I saw Cherry, Aki, and Arata standing there in front of me.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked handing the handle of my suitcase to Himari.
"We're here to say goodbye." Cherry smiled.
"You really think you could get away with not saying goodbye to us?!" Arata smiled.
"We're gonna miss you!" Aki shouted running towards me.
"I'm gonna miss you guys too." I said hugging Aki back.
"I'm really hopping to see you again." Aki said while hugging me.
"Me too." I said and he let me go so I could say goodbye to the others.
"I'm gonna miss you Aia." Cherry said.
"I'm gonna miss you too Cherry and don't worry about the whole Sun Hee and Riku situation." I smiled and hugged Cherry.
"I'll see you when you get back." She smiled and hugged me back. I let go of her and went to Arata.
"I know that we just actually got to know each other, but I'll really miss you and going to the cafe together." Arata said.
"I'm really gonna miss you too and our strips to the cafe as well." I smiled and hugged him.
"I'll still stay in touch." I smiled.
"You better." He smiled and laughed.
I started laughing and we both let go of each other and I looked at the three of them and thought about how far we all have come and all the hardships we went through to be the person we are today.
"I promise to keep in touch with you all." I smiled.
"I'm holding you on to that promise!" Aki shouted like a little kid.
"And we'll be in touch with you as well!" Cherry smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at them knowing that I will miss them all a lot. I grabbed the handle for my suitcase from Himari and looked at them again.
"I have to go now. I'll see you guys soon." I smiled and waved at them.
"We'll be waiting." Arata said and they all waved at me.
Himari and I walked away and got close to the security check. Himari and I went through them and reached the lady who was standing at the front desk collecting tickets for those going on the plane. I was about to give her mine until I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and it was Riku. I looked at Himari and she let me go to him.
"What are you doing here?!" I said in shock while running up towards him.
"I came to say goodbye." He said with sad eyes.
"I know....I thought you would show up sooner or later." I replied and he smiled at me.
"Do you have to go?" He asked.
"Yes, I know I'm doing the right thing for myself and my future." I said.
"I...I'm gonna miss you." He said.
"Me too." I smiled a bit.
We stood there in silence and that's when he hugged me. He hugged me tightly just like back then.
"Riku, I have to go now." I said.
"I know." He said letting me go
"Good luck with your dramas." I said.
"Good luck with school and writing." He said.
"I will." I said.
"I'll see you when you get back." He said.
"Yeah." I said and walked away.
I couldn't bring myself to give him a proper goodbye than that and gave my ticket to the lady. She took it and let me board the plane and that's when I had to say goodbye to Himari.
"Thank you for everything and making my dreams come true." I smiled while hugging Himari.
"You're welcome! Now get on your plane and make me proud when you come back!" She shouted with a smile.
I smiled and walked through the gate. This was my last time in Japan until college was over, but I can do it. I know I can. I kept walking through the gate and looked back. Himari was still sta doing there with Riku and they both were seeing me off. I felt happy and like I could really breathe until Sun Hee showed up next to Riku and holding his arm and that's when the thunderstorm clouds came back to me soaking me in water and zapping me with lightning. I turned around and kept walking trying to get that image out of my head. I went on the plane and to my seat and the pilot instructed us to stay seated and took off.