Chapter 34 (Aia's P.O.V)

I've been in america for a year now and it feels incredible! Choosing to come to america for college was the best thing for me. It made me a better writer and a better person. It changed me so much and I'm already starting to get famous here too with my number one novel. This past year has truly been a wonderful adventure for me. I was walking back to my dorm after a long day of classes and homework and studying and checked my mail. It was a letter from Riku. I went in my room and opened the letter and started reading it.

I set the letter down on my bed and tried to process everything. Him and Sun Hee are actually getting married next week?! I couldn't believe it. I've been trying my best to stop thinking about her for the past year. I looked at the letter again and it sounded like he really wanted me there or st least I could feel it in my gut.

It's been hard to talk to Riku and to even go and see him, but we both did agree on staying in touch with each other after I left and he reached out to Himari about it. Yeah, I still have feelings for him but not as strong anymore and I only see him as a friend now. I wanted to go to his wedding of course and I wouldn't miss it even if my life depended on it, but I just don't know yet. My heart says yes but my mind says no and my body is hesitant. I wasn't sure, but I did have pretty much two weeks to think about it.

I sat in my room thinking about it and my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone going off. I looked at the caller ID and it was Himari.

"Hello." I said picking up the phone.

"Aia! I need you to come back to Japan right away!" Himari shouted through the phone.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jinx is holding the biggest book signing event and festival and you are one of the top writers that's going to be there!" She squealed with excitement.

"That's awesome!" I smiled.

"So I need you to come to Japan right away!" She shouted.

"Yes ma'am." I said and hung up.

I got my suitcase out and started packing my clothes and shoes and everything that is mine. Himari called the university about what's going on, and instead of staying here for 4 years and finishing college in america, Himari had me transferred to another college in Japan to finish up the 3 years of school I have left, so I could be close to the events that happen at home instead of flying everywhere.

After I was done packing everything, I left the room and headed to the airport. Himari had a friend of hers drive me down there. It was only a few minutes and she dropped me off at the entrance doors. I waved goodbye to her and she smiled. I walked inside and went to go find my plane. After a few minutes of searching I finally found it. I went through the security check and gave the lady at the entrance my ticket. She smiled at me and I smiled back and got onto the plane. I found my seat and decided to go to sleep so it would at least feel a bit faster of getting to Japan.

"Miss, its time to wake up." One of the flight attendants said shaking my shoulder lightly.

"Are we in Japan?" I asked getting up

"Yes ma'am." The lady smiled and walked away.

I got out of my seat and followed everyone to the exit room and out and waited for my luggage. It honestly felt nice to be back home I really missed everything here. I saw my luggage and grabbed it and I supposed to meet up Himari at the doors, but instead it was Arata. Arata and I have gotten close lately. Ever since I left for college we both stayed in touch and talked almost every day and every night and he became my best friend.

"It's nice to see you again!" I smiled.

"Aia! You're here! You're actually here!" He smiled and hugged me.

"I missed you too." I smiled and hugged him back.

He let go of me and walked me to the car. He helped put my bags in the backseat and drove us to ShinHigh. I missed everything and everyone. Staying in america was difficult but it was fun. I'm just glad to be back home from now on. The drive to ShinHigh wasn't that long compared to flying to america and back. We made it to ShinHigh Writing Industries and Arata escorted me inside and that's when I felt someone tackle me in a hug.

"I missed you so much!!!" Cherry said tackling me.

"I missed you too!" I smiled and hugged her. She off of me and helped me up and fixed my hair.

"There's my Aia!" Himari said running to hug me.

"I missed you Himari." I said hugged her back.

"We all did." Aki said joining in the hug. Sooner or later the hug became a big group hug. They all let go of me and blindefolded me and took me to the front desk.

"Surprise!!" They all shouted holding up a cake and blowing kazoos and popping confetti poppers and holding balloons as I took off the blindfold.

"Thank you guys so much!" I smiled and looked at the cake. It read "Welcome Home Aia! We missed you!". It was beautiful and touching.

"It's your favorite red velvet cake!" Arata smiled. I smiled at all of them and gave them each individual hugs. Himari got a knife and sliced the cake for all of us. She handed the pieces out and along with some chocolate chip cookies. We all were laughing and talking so much that I missed it.

After the little party was over we cleaned up and the sun was setting. We all said our goodbyes and Arata walked me out. We were walking back to the car until we bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said apologizing.

"Aia?" The voice questioned. I looked up and saw who it was.

"Riku?" I said in a bit of shock.