Chapter 36 (Aia's P.O.V)

"Hello." I said.

"Aia! Where are you! The event is almost starting!" Himari yelled through the phone.

"I'm on my way." I said and hung up.

I rushed out of bed and went to shower and get dressed. I threw on a light faded pink sundress dress with white heels and grabbed my purse, phone and car keys. When I got back yesterday, Himari bought me a car so I didn't need to wait on her or ask someone to drive me home. I got into the car and started the engine and drove to the city where the festival was at. It was a short drive since I lived near the city and was driving instead of walking. I parked my car near the festival and walked the rest of the way while fixing my hair.

"There you are!" Himari shouted running to me.

"Sorry, I woke up late." I smiled a bit while trying to finish braiding my hair.

"They have your booth all set up already with copies of all your works." She smiled and dragged me to my booth. There were so many people and huge crowds and groups all around and so many booths of writers, food, and pictures being professionally taken. It was all amazing! Himari lead me to my booth and started setting up the drinks and snacks while I took my seat and looked at all the books stacked neatly inside of the tent and displayed neatly on the outside on shelves and on the table where I was sitting.

"Your work is amazing!" Someone said running over to my booth.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Can you please sign my book?" She asked handing me one of the books I wrote. I looked at the cover of the book and it was "Tears of Endearment".

"Good choice." I smiled while opening the book and signing the first page.

"Yes ma'am, it's one of my favorite works by you!" She smiled.

"Why thank you! Your too kind and please call me Aia." I smiled and handed her the book back.

"Thank you Aia." She smiled and walked away happily.

More people started coming to my booth and I started signing more and more copies of almost every book I've ever written. I've also been taking pictures with them too and chatting with them. They're all such sweet people and I'm really glad that I got to write something that they all enjoyed.

"You're my favorite author!" A little girl smiled while walking up to the table. She looked a little shy but excited at the same time.

"Thank you sweetie." I smiled at her.

"Can you please sign this?" She asked putting the book on the table.

"Of course." I smiled and moved the book closer to me.

"I see you like my new book that just came out." I said while signing the inside of the cover.

"I do! It's one of my favorites!" She smiled and I handed the book back to her. We started chatting for a bit until Arata and Riku showed up.

"Hey Aia." Arata smiled.

"What's up?" Riku waved.

"Hey guys, I'm in the middle of signing books right now." I said.

"We'll just hangout here then!" Arata smiled and walked into the tent as if he owned the place while Riku just stood there looking a bit uncomfortable.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Uh yeah." He slightly smiled.

"Hey, what's bugging you?" I asked walking over to him.

"Well it's just, I don't want to be with Sun Hee..." He said looking down.

"Why not?" I asked not really being surprised.

"She never comes home or anything and doesn't have time for me." He explained.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could help you, but Sun Hee doesn't like me." I said accepting the fact that Sun Hee and I would never be friends.

"Will you come to my wedding?" He asked.

"I still don't know yet." I answered.

"It would mean a lot to me, but I understand if you decide not to come." He said.

"Riku, I know we haven't really been the same ever since the summer, but I really hope we can be friends again like we used to be." I smiled.

"Of course Aia." He smiled and wrapped me in a hug. I really did missed his hugs, but I quickly pulled away as I saw Sun Hee walking towards us.

"It was nice seeing you again Riku." I smiled and Sun Hee wrapped her arm around his arm.

"Hello Aia." She smiled.

"Hi." I said sitting back down and signing books.

"No hard feelings right." She laughed a bit while smiling.

"Right." I said avoiding eye contact with her.

"We should go sweetie. Aia here is busy." She said dragging Riku along with her and walked away.

"I literally hate her." I said rolling my eyes while facing Arata.

"Who doesn't?" He said.

"Her parents, that's who." I snapped.

"Your not wrong Aia. Anyways Riku and I also brought you some food since you've been here almost all day." He said and placed a to-go box in front of me. I opened it and it was some stir fry noodles and fry rice with the side of fried mushrooms and kimchee and teriyaki chicken as well.

"Aw thank you." I smiled and hugged him.

"Your welcome." He smiled and hugged me back.

He sat down next to me and got out another to-go box for him and we sat there and ate together. It was nice and there were so many comments on us and people asking if we were a couple or not and we weren't. We were just good friends.

"Thank you for the food." I smiled.

"Your welcome!" He answered and smiled back.

"Hey, are you going to Riku's wedding?" I asked.

"Of course, he's my friend and I'm also his best man." Arata explained.

"Oh ok, that makes sense." I said.

"Are you going?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet, I want to but I don't know what's holding me back." I sighed.

"Well you shouldn't let anything hold you back even if its personal feelings or grudges. Don't let them hold you back Aia." Arata smiled.

"You're right." I smiled.

"I'm always right!" He laughed.

"Sure you are." I laughed and continued on signing books and taking pictures with everyone while Arata was showing the little kids magic tricks while waiting for me to be done. He's such a sweet guy. I smiled at him laughing with a little boy and honestly it was a bit cute. The day went faster than expected and We left the festival after it was over. It was a fun day and I loved it so much. I wish it didn't have to come once a year instead almost every 6 months or so.

Arata and I said goodbye to Himari and he walked me to my car and said goodbye to me. I watched him walk towards his car and got into mine. I missed times like these. They're the greatest memories ever created. I kept thinking about that and started my car and drove home.