Chapter 2 (Riku's P.O.V)

"Riku and Sun Hee, my daughter and son-in-law...I am putting in a transfer for you two." He said.

"What?! Why?!" Sun Hee slightly yelled.

"Because I an getting old and planning on retiring soon. You two will fill in our places at Rosetta's Cosmetics and Raja Industries. I am no longer fit for my position and neither is your mother. Therefore we came to an agreement to have you two run them and make them your own companies." Mr. Kim said explaining everything in detail.

"But what about our careers??!" Sun Hee said with a panic voice.

"Don't worry, you two can still keep your careers, but it will be difficult to keep your current careers while running the company." Mr. Kim said.

"I understand how difficult it will be, but I can assure you that both Sun Hee and I will do our best to have success in our careers and the company." I said in a gentle voice.

"Now that it is settled, Riku you will be the head of Raja Industries in America, while Sun Hee you will be the head of Rosetta's Cosmetics in China. I know it will be difficult for you two not being able to work together, but I need you two to run our companies." He explained. I looked at Sun Hee while expecting a response right away from her, but apparently she did not say anything. It went quiet for a few minutes until I decided to break the silence and cleared my throat.

"We understand. You just want what is best for the future of the company." I said and glanced over at Sun Hee getting her attention.

"Oh yeah, we understand." She said with a slight smile.

"I'm glad you both understand. Now that we got that out of the way, let's enjoy dinner." Mr. Kim smiled as the server was brining over the food for us. I lightly smiled and thanked the server for bringing us our food and drinks. Dinner was filled with silence and it just started feeling more and more awkward. The silence that was coming from Sun Hee was weird. She has never been this quiet for this long before. On the other hand Mr. and Mrs. Kim were also being quiet and I don't know if it was just me, but I kind of started feeling weird being in this state of silence especially for this long.

After we got done eating, Sun Hee and I thanked them for dinner and left the restaurant. We got into the car and headed straight for home. As I was driving Sun Hee turned on the radio to break the silence in the car and the awkwardness that happened in the restaurant. When she turned on the radio I heard that same voice singing. I looked at Sun Hee to see her reaction to the voice and she seemed to like it. It kind of felt like the song put her back into her original mood. She was relaxing with the music and I could see her smiling, so I'm guessing she feels at peace with it. I looked back on the road and focused on driving. I listened to the song and it sounded like the exact same song that played earlier when I was driving home. The longer I listened to it the more it made me feel nostalgic and warm. The longer I listened to it the more I got lost in it and before I could snap back into reality the song was already over and I have to admit I was kind of sad. It ended so quickly or at least it felt like it. I looked ahead of me and we were already home and Sun Hee was already getting out of the car. I wonder what's wrong or what's on her mind that made her become quiet at dinner today. I got out of the car and locked it, while following Sun Hee inside the house and locking the door.

"Thanks for saving me at dinner." Sun Hee said as I locked the door behind us.

"You're welcome. It's no big deal." I said hanging up the keys.

"I owe you one." She said.

"It's okay, you don't have to owe me anything." I smiled.

"You know, it's been a long time since I've seen you smiled." She said.

"I guess, but smiling really isn't my thing. We both know that." I said.

"Haha I guess we both do. Anyways I see you are going to America soon." She said.

"Well you are going to China." I said.

"Yeah that's true." She said walking upstairs.

"Are you not excited to go?" I asked.

"I mean I am, but I won't really get to see the people I want to see, but you will." She said with a slight smile and continued walking upstairs to her room.

America.....Who is in America that I want to see...hmm...I think Arata is over there. I continued talking and thinking to myself and went up to my room. I took of the suit and changed into more comfortable clothes and did my face wash routine then dried off my face with a towel. I started looking through my drawers for my extra charger since I left my other one in the car and that's when I saw the letters. The letters I tried so hard to hide and forget about. I grabbed one of the letters and I could still smell her perfume on them and holding it in my own hands makes me feel like I still had her with me...Is this what Sun Hee meant by me going to America? Is this who she meant by me getting to see the people I want to see?? I started thinking hard and long about it and my mind came to a realization of thinking that Sun Hee was trying to help me this entire time. Which could be the case, but yet I am not entirely sure. I looked at the letter and her handwriting was still as nice as ever. The smell of her scent brought me back to the past as if I time traveled. I suddenly started to tear up and could feel my tears slowing running down my cheeks and I held onto the letter...I'm finally gonna be able to see you...Aia...