The fallen king

[The next day]

Charles wakes up and see Cath cooking an omelette

Cath: ah good morning Charles sit down break fast is almost ready

Charles: thanks

[after they finish eating]

Charles: that was delicious Cath

Cath: thanks

Charles: well I am going outside to get some fresh air

Cath: ok

Charles walks out the big tent and talk to Igris

Charles: Igris what happened tonight did someone attached us?

Igris: no one has attach tonight sire

Charles: ok thank you Igris all of you go back for now

and all the shadow disappear

after a 30 minutes of warm up Charles go back to the tent

Charles: Cath are you ready to continue our adventure

Cath: wait I am still not ready

Charles: ok

[10 minutes later]

Cath: ok ready

they continue the journey until they encounter a few golems

Charles: 'come forth Net,Set and Rashida' are you ready?

Charles sword becomes bigger he just doesn't't want to show Cath that he master the djinn equip

Cath: 'come forth Osiris' ready as ever

Charles Rushed to golem's and swinging his sword cutting it half Cath fly to the sky and chant a huge boulder to crash it to one of the golem

[ten minutes later]

Charles stick his sword to the head of the golem killing it

Charles: and that's the last one

Cath: hey Charles I saw a huge door not far from here while I was flying

Charles: ok lest go

but while they are going to the huge door Charles sense someone fallowing them but before Charles can check who's their Cath pulled him and they enter the huge room and their is an armor sitting on a throne

???: he who enter here shall never leave

and the armor start to move and it summon an army of undead

Charles: so you think you are the only one that can summon the undead 'ARISE'

Cath: come forth Osiris

Charles: come forth Net,Set and Rashida

and they clashed Charles rushed with his two swords and the undead king block it with his big sword

Charles: you have a quite a sword there

but before he can finish what he is saying he was strike by the side with another sword

Charles: That's not fair you have four arm's

Charles creates several weapons and control them to attach the thing

Charles: well technically I only have two but I can control them

Cath: cast a spell creating a wall and crushing several undead and Igris did a spin with his two swords slicing anything that comes near him. midnight attached several enemies at the same time that's how fast he is

[one hour later]

Charles: (heavy breathing) how long are you going to die

[another one hour later]

Charles finally killed the undead king

Charles: finally (almost falls over)

Cath: are you ok

Charles: yeah let's go to the next room

they enter the room and they see a room full of gold

???: (claps) well well look what we have here boys looks like she did what we tell her to do

Cath: (looks down)....

Charles: what's the meaning of this Cath

Cath go to the group

Cath: sorry Charles I have to do this or else they are going to kill my father

Charles: (angry) you lied to me don't tell me you never have felling for me

But before Cath can talk she was stop by the mysterious people

???: of course she lied to you we tell her to say yes when you reveal you love to her

Charles: and who the hell are you people

???: oh I forgot to tell you who we are my name is Greg and I am the one who is leading this group

Charles: so your the one that plan all of this

Greg: so what if it's me what are you going to do

Charles: I am going to kill you

Greg: hah then do it 'come forth Nebula' you have no chance defeating us it's 20 djinn against 3 don't make me lau-

Charles: 'come forth Net,Set and Rashida'

and his body is covered with red armor and he grows wings

Greg: you didn't tell us he mastered it

Cath: I didn't know he master it

Greg: well it doesn't matter you still can't kill us all

Charles: ARISE

and all of his servants appears


and the surrounding turns to violet and the shadow becomes bigger

Charles: I am going to kill all of you

Greg: all of you attach him it's just him

Greg and his men attached Charles Greg and two other people attach Charles but Charles blocked all three of them and then he forms a lot of weapons out of thin air a control them all but Greg chant something Charles vision darker

Greg: is this all you got (with a smurk)

Charles cast a huge fire ball killing several people and then he cast another one without chanting but this one is different it's black and white flames and it hit alot of people killing them and it hit Greg but when he tried to put it out he can't until it get bigger and bigger killing him the other saw Greg is dead the surrender but Charles is consumed by rage he kills all of them until he calms down and he past out

[to be continued]

sorry for the delay I was not feeling good yesterday