The way she turned from side to side made him feel satisfied he did not feel any pain looking at her this was the punishment it's worth it. He felt. But the time passed by real quick and his sister was in no mood to go home so he chased her out of the house by telling
"come again another day"
Sadly, Cookie Hua went to her house after dinner and it was bedtime for the newly wedded couple Chrystal felt Goosebumps all over her body when she felt that they were going to have sex tonight. She quickly took bath and went to bed as she had been sitting on the couch all day it hurt her.
Soon Stephen Yang entered the room but tonight he did not touch her instead he asked her
"Are you comfortable at home or do you want to work?"
he asked this because whenever Cookie Hua said about work there would be a disappointed look in her face so he wanted to know what she wants to do because she only had a bachelor's degree and not masters.
But being a talented young man, Stephen Yang had two PhD degrees which Chrystal did not know of. Stephen Yang had many things to say, many things which his wife never knew at what he was capable of. He wanted to tell them all but waited for the right time to come.
Of course, Chrystal Zhu wanted to work but working for long hours was not her hobby she thought for a while and nodded
"I guess I want to stay at home but work"
Stephen was quite surprised by her answer being a nurse staying at home and working? Fine he had a plan he said
"You can stay at home but you have to keep studying after that when I decide, you can go to work"
Damn sure he was not going to let her go to work as she was such a beautiful and lovely girl who will capture the hearts of many guys without her knowing due to her innocence. She was too obedient to him so he never wanted to show his wife to others or else they would take advantage of her that's the reason he never let her outside.
Now he knew how carefully his dad protected his mom not even letting his own son hug her on the day they met after a long, very long time.
Then Stephen left the room with Chrystal Zhu staring blankly at him leaving the room. She doubted not knowing what was going with him but felt happy inside that there was no suffering tonight. Chrystal slept soon she was in deep sleep by the time Stephen Yang came inside the room.
He gently stroked her hair and played with it for a while mesmerised by her beauty he gently kissed her and went back to do his work as he had a lot of work to do. After finishing all his extra work, he slept in the table with his computer because he was dead tired and did not know when he slept.
The next morning after having sound sleep after many long nights, Chrystal Zhu woke up early in the morning but she panicked the moment she noticed that there was no one in the room except her so she woke up in a hurry to search for her husband.
When she finally saw him in the study lying on the desk her heart ached because she felt that though a person is rich the only way to money is through hard work if not hard work then at least some work is needed to get the profit. At this moment, Chrystal Zhu made a decision that she would study well and definitely work hard to support herself and her family.
Chrystal Zhu went near him by taking light steps "crash…. Crash.." the beautiful vase broke
'was it my skirt which touched it?'
Chrystal thought because she did not feel touching anything. But coming to reality her face was horror-stricken because the sound was loud and Stephen Yang immediately woke up from the noise to see her standing with horror.
The moment he saw her all that his mind could think was 'Is she alright?' he was not worried about the costly vase instead he was worried about her. But her next actions made him even angrier as she bent down to clean up the mess.
He immediately pushed her out of the room and locked the door because she was trying to use her bare hands to clean up the mess. What a joke is she still muddled from her sleep he thought. Then he used an automatic cleaning machine to clean the broken pieces of the vase and went outside the room to see Chrystal hu in tears shaking all over.
He was damn curious to know the reason for her to cry this much. He just left her crying and walked passed her in the hallway. when Chrystal Zhu saw it, she cried even more but without any noise.
The whole day went sad for Chrystal Zu because when she took the plate, she broke it because her hands were shaking and she was absent-minded when she was cleaning the room she dropped a lot of things making the situation worse when she cooked food, she burnt herself and finally, she slipped in the staircase as she was walking aimlessly.
Thank goodness that Stephen Yang caught her in time or else she would have injured her head because she was in the top last step. Stephen was following her closely to see what she was doing as she was not right from the morning.
Falling in his arms, she cried
"Why did you catch me? You clearly don't love me you made my day worse and now you are acting why are you being this mean?"
she cried out herself loudly Stephen Yang understood that she was not in a clear state of mind so he just allowed her to cry out loud.
Chrystal Zhu could not stop herself but continued to cry, cry and cry. Stephen yang wondered if she had a reservoir of tears because she cried a lot and tears were continuously falling from her eyes it felt like she had stored up all of them for this fine day. But didn't she cry yesterday? And today, seems like the well got filled with tears.
He wanted her to be free with him but she was still very conservative except during sex, she would allow him to do anything he wants passively. That thing did not please him he felt like this girl would lose his favour if she was being this way. But sometimes he would feel like teasing her.
But after the wedding, nothing seems to be getting well because before the wedding whenever her teased her she would be active and try something new and weird. But after the wedding, she was being too submissive and did not like to be responding to him.
After continuously crying for nearly three hours she finally stopped and looked at him. The look which she gave him made him feel that she wanted to speak something but was afraid? So, he took the lead asking her
"Tell me what is in your mind right now if you ever lie then I'm afraid that I can't control anymore"
He clearly knew when she lied because she would be rubbing her eyes even though it was a small twist of truth.
"Will you teach me?"
Boom… his heart became soft so soft that if she did anything right now his heart would be sensitive and the blood would be pumping the opposite direction. He truly wanted to know what she wanted to learn because there were a lot of things which she needed to know like living in the society, getting along well with her husband, being an active aid and a beautiful wife for him and helping him in taking bath, etc.,
"Nursing….." she said
'Oh… you only want that? Don't worry when you are with me I will teach you everything ha-ha…' he laughed in his heart but kept a serious face and looked at her
"Chrysie… so you want me to teach you… SURE but what will I get from it? You never learnt the art of giving a bath to your husband how then would I teach you? Since you are a slow learner, we will start from the bed and small, small things we will complete and then go to complex things like studying all right?"
There was a shy innocent smile on her face. 'seems like there is a long way to go for me to reach my goal' she felt. But on the other side, she was literally fuming mad because he was calling her a slow learner. that is never in her dictionary!!!