Cookie Hua is back!

'Looks like he wants me to touch him only then will he cool down.'

She tied her hands behind her back and looked at him without saying anything. He was a bit annoyed when he saw her tying her hands behind. He wanted her to touch him but she was being disobedient. He looked at her with one of his brows raised while keeping his hands crossed at his chest.

'This funny guy,'

"Hahahaha..hahaha.." She burst out laughing. That was her limit, she couldn't control herself anymore.

'When she laughed, he felt like he was a joke there. You wanna make me feel embarrassed? No way,' he straight away grabbed her throat and ripped off her clothes, this was something that Chrystal Zhu did not expect from him.

He took the most ridiculous action. She couldn't laugh anymore because she was being choked. Her face was turning to a dark shade of red she was breathless. A teardrop fell from her eyes because of the pain in her neck.