Two-legged cat stealing food!

Stephen Yang woke up when his blanket was pulled forcefully. At an instant, he felt a little cold. He opened his eyes to see his darling looking out through the window. Why is she staring at the window so intensely? There was this doubt mounting within him.

He clearly opened his eyes and watched her carefully. He saw her running towards the window. Being a little curious to know what she was up to in view of the fact that she was behaving unusually, he was surprised to notice that she was only looking towards the sky and not below.

And when she cried "Nooo….." he seriously did not understand what she was worried about.

Seeing her crumbled to the floor, he felt like watching a drama, it was so live. He noticed her standing up and looking down and that weep at that moment, it was insane. So he went near her and gave a hard knock on her head. Chrystal Zhu turned towards him and pointed to the sky for him.