You Are A Drug Lord[2]

Nicolas woke up early to have breakfast with his family. Even though it was Sunday, Nicolas will have to go to the bar with his friends this night

"Mahal" Elvira called faintly.


"I was thinking about mother lately"

"What happened to mother" he asked eating the delicious Pancit Elvira prepared for him.

"Nothing, I just miss mother. Why don't we go to pandan and spend at least three weeks there. You get the children to know more about their hometown, What do you think?"

"I will think about it"

Smiling, "Thank you. Mother will sure be happy if we come visit her. Why don't we make it a surprise"

"Okay" he nodded "Mahal"

"Yes" she stood up to take the dishes to the kitchen

"I will be going out tonight with Dino and Miguel"

"Huh" she turned back

"Please, I promise not to drink too much today" Nicolas promised

"Okay, it just that I won't get to spend time with you tonight" she said and continue washing the dishes

He held her waist, "You can follow me to the bar instead"

"What about our children" she turned

"Okay, then I will make it up to you later" he pressed his lips on hers.


later at night.

77 resturant and bar

Miguel entered the bar followed by Dino and Nicolas. Miguel wore a gray pant with blue shirt and black jacket with a blue-gold canvas while Dino wore adidas shirt and blue jean with sneakers. Nicolas on the other hand was not that bad looking. He wore a black shirt with crazy jean and a white sneakers.

Among this three friends, Nicolas is still the most handsome of all. Not only his he handsome, he has a fearless heart which makes other women fall for him.

They sat on a wooden table and ordered for beer. Miguel and Dino drank three glass full cups of beer but Nicolas is still on the first cup.

"Hey Nicolas, what's wrong? You are still on the first cup"

"I am keeping my promise to my wife that I won't get drunk"

" You so much respect your wife" Dino chuckled.

"We are to respect our wives, right?" he smiled.

Dino called the waiter, "I like that girl, that sexy one with small waist at the left" he pointed at the girl dancing on the stage.

She wore a black pant and bra with black seven inches high heel. She has a small waist and flat tummy and big hips. She is pretty and has a long brown hair.

"Should I call her?" the waiter asked


He turned and went to the bar girl and whispered into her ear. She looked at Dino and nodded her head. She left the stage and walked to Dino.

She sat on his laps, "Baby doll, what's your name?"


"Oh, that name suit you well"

Some of the bar girl are students that are still studying and have no money to pay their school fees while some dropped out of school. They sell their body for money.

At the other side of the bar...

"Please, I don't want to do this tita, I don't want to stay here" she cried

"Rita, listen to me, there are rich men that will take care of you here, okay"

"I want to go back to school"

It looks like she has been forced to drop out of school and be a prostitute. Nicolas watched her with sorrow in his eyes but he can't help her, It's none of his business.

Back to Dino's table...

"Baby, how much are you going to pay me"

"That depends on your ability tonight" he kissed her neck

"Dino, yesterday Miguel called you in the afternoon to come join us at the park but you said you were at work busy. Next time you will treat us to dinner" he smiled

Dino looked at Miguel like an innocent child that don't understand what was happening. Miguel never called him in the afternoon to join them at the park....He immediately covered up for Miguel

"Yes, I was busy with work" he lied.

Miguel looked at the time. It was 8:45pm. He stood up from the chair.

"Nicolas, we have to be somewhere. Don't worry about the bill, I have paid already"

"Where are you guys going to this night"

"We have to go and see the general police for something important"

Nicolas was confused. Why will Miguel want to see the General?

"I will go with you" he stood up

"No, no, no, Don't worry, we are fine on our own" Nicolas stopped him.

"Oh okay, if you say so"

"Baby, are you leaving already?

Dino threw a bundle of money at her and she left. Dino and Miguel left the bar.

Nicolas was still not convinced that they were going to see the general police so he decided to follow them.

Ten minutes later.

Miguel got to San Juan where he was to meet Mr lao for their business. He met Mr lao there with his guards dressed in black, holding firearms.

"Am so sorry Mr lao" he apologized

"No problem. Here is your money, ten million pesos"

He handed over a briefcase to one of Miguel's guards. The man opened it and showed it to Miguel.

Miguel signaled to one of his guards. He left and came back with three bags and gave it to Mr lao.

Mr lao opened it and took one of the Chebu package in a transparent nylon...

"Each weigh two hundred pounds"

Nicolas brought out his phone and took several pictures. He could not believe that the people he trusted were criminals...

"It's nice doing business with you" They shook hands and then Mr lao left with his guards behind him.

"So Miguel is a drug lord" he thought

"Dino is a police.Why didn't he arrest Miguel? Is he the one protecting Miguel all this time from the cops? But why did he choose to be a criminal? Miguel has a legal business,right?"

All this questions came up in Nicolas mind but no one to answer them. All this while Miguel has been in this business but how come he did not know.....This is the secret behind his wealth; being a drug lord.

Miguel turned around to leave,then, he saw a familiar figure. He removed his gun from his pocket and moved towards him.

Nicolas immediately saw Miguel coming. He ran to where his bike was parked and drove off. Miguel signaled to his guards to follow him. Miguel and Dino entered his mistsubishi xpanader car and followed his guards. They kept on trailing him.

"Miguel, do you think that person saw everything?"he was scared

"I think so"

"Do know him"

"No" he answered coldly

One of his guards shot at Nicolas. He fell on the ground.....

The guards came out of the Toyota hiace and surrounded him, pointing guns at him, trapping him in the middle,not allowing him to escape.

Miguel parked his car behind the Toyota hiace and came out. Nicolas stood up from the ground and removed his helmet.

Miguel and Dino were flabbergasted when they saw Nicolas. How did he know that they were going to have their meeting with Mr lao at San Juan? Did he follow them there?

"Nicolas, I can explain"

"Explain? Explain why you are a drug lord? I saw everything. You are a drug lord"

"Nicolas, you can join us just like Dino" he tried to convince Nicolas.

"Dino is your protector, right? I can't believe this"

Dino, "You can become rich and quit that job of yours. You don't have to work so hard to live your life anymore"

"I refuse to join you guys, you scumbags" he said angrily.

"So what do you want now, Nicolas?"

"I will report to the cops"

"Where is your evidence, huh"

He brought out his phone and showed it to them, "Here, I have lot of evidence"

Dino was scared when he saw the evidence. He will be screwed of that gets to the police. No, he can't allow that. He moved closer to collect Nicolas phone.

Miguel mover closer and threw a punch at Nicolas. He fell down making his phone to fall from this hand. He stood up and wiped the blood from this mouth.

Miguel wanted to punch him again but he moved to the side dodging the punch. Dino moved closer but Nicolas pushed him away.

Miguel wanted to attach Nicolas from the back but Nicolas saw it coming so he pushed Miguel to the ground and gave him the beating of his life.

His face was swollen and blood coming from his mouth and nose. The punches made his vision blur. His guard ran to save him but he stopped them. He stood up slowly from the ground.

"Are we not friends, Nicolas?"

"No, I will never be friends with you again" he was furious.

Miguel brought out his gun and pointed it at Nicolas.

"So do you give up now"

"No, I won't give up until you both are jailed" he wa determined

He pull the trigger, "Then if that is the case, I'm sorry but I have to do this to protect myself because I will never surrender to the cops"

Bang! Bang! Nicolas was already shot on the chest. He fell unto the ground and began to groan in pain. Blood was goshing out of his body.