Going Out With Him

Later at night.

Carissa told Dyosa that she won't go on a date with Ethan. Dyosa begged her to go, but she refused and if she don't go, Ethan would be dissapointed. After using so many logics to make Carissa go with Ethan, she finally agreed.

Dyosa chose a dress for her in her closet, helped her with her makeup and her hair. After thirty minutes of dressing up, Carissa finally came out of her room. She wore a short gray ball gown and her hair flowed down her waist. She had a little makeup done on her face. Lola belen looked at her from up to down and she said, "You are the most beautiful girl on earth" She smiled at her grandma mother.

Isabelle walked up to her and said, "Don't be like your mother that does not want any man, okay? If you think Ethan is not good for you, don't think twice, just tell it to him straight that you don't want him"

Ever since the day Elvira refused to accept Marco proposal, Lola belen did not talk to her about getting married again.

"Tita, we are going out for dinner and he just a friend. Only a friend" said Carissa.

"Ahem, Ahem" Dyosa coughed. "Really? just a friend? You know that he loves you, right?"

Before Carissa could reply Dyosa, they were interrupted by a voice. He wore a black suit. His face was young and handsome. His lips curled into a smile, his pink lips parted and he greeted them politely, "Good evening to all of you"

Mrs belen looked at this handsome guy at her front, looked at his from up to down and finally she said, "Not that bad" Carissa heard her Lola and turned to her and her eyes widened.

"I am here to pick Carissa" he said politely.

Lola belen stepped forward and said, "You can, my boy, but before you go, you tell me why you are interested in my granddaughter? You know she is my only granddaughter"

Ethan smiled and looked at Carissa who turned her face away. "Carissa is one of a kind. I like her because of her stubbornness and sometimes she might be hard to deal with, but I like her that way. I like her smile and most especially she is beautiful. She is unique"

Carissa face blushed immediately she heard what he said. Mrs belen held Ethan face in her hand and said, "I like you so much, my boy. I want to know more about you"

"Lola" Dyosa came in between them and dragged Lola from Ethan. "Remember they have somewhere to go and they don't want to be late"

"Oh, I totally forgot" she went to Carissa and whispered to her, "Be good when you are with him" then she pushed Carissa to Ethan. "Take good care of her"

"Okay, Lola" he smiled. Carissa turned to look at her Lola and Mrs belen winked at her and gave her a thumbs up.

"Take good care of my daughter, okay? She might look so gentle, but she is not and you are a good person, I know that" Elvira walked to them and patted her daughter's head.

"I know tita and I promise to take good care of her. I think we should go now" he held her hand and walked out of the door. Carissa looked back and saw Dyosa whispered, "Good luck"

The truth was that she knew that Ethan likes her, but she don't want to be in any relationship. All of them wanted her to go with Ethan so she had to even though she don't want to.

At Harbor View resturant.

Ethan brought Carissa to this resturant because it belongs to his mother. He held her hand as they walked into the resturant. Carissa looked around, she was expecting to see a special seat, but there was no special seat. Did he not bring her here for dinner?

"I thought we were going to have a special seat" she turned and asked him, but he did not reply. She decided not to ask any more questions. They walked into a VIP room. Carissa's mouth open when she entered the room. The lightening of the room was dark and there was only decoration light in the room. He table was decorated with different colour, beautiful dishes and a red candle. There was a red rose bouquet. The room was very beautiful. Ethan drew out a chair for her, she sat down and she smiled thank you.

There were only two seats in the room. The waiters brought in wines and placed it on the table and left.

"I made your best food, I think you should try it" he said and leaned forward and placed Kare Kare on her plate.

"You prepared it your self" she was surprised.

"Yes since you like the one I prepared for you the other time" he smiled and raised his head to look at her. She immediately took the spoon and fork and began to eat the food. "How is it?"

"Delicious" she nodded her head.

"Eat more if you want" he said and she nodded.

"You look so beautiful this night" Ethan said as he looked at Carissa. Carissa raised her head and looked at him. His eyes were beautiful and were filled with love. He don't know why, but he always like to be with Carissa. She moved her face towards his face and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"You" he said and leaned her back on the chair immediately. "You are very beautiful"

"I know that" she said proudly.

He laughed and continued to eat his food. The first time he heard about Carissa, he thought she was a person that relates with others, but when he got to know her, he found out that she is a nice person.

She dropped her spoon and fork and asked, "I heard that you and Dyosa are very close. Will you tell me the relationship between the both of you?"

He raised his eyebrows and dropped his fork and knife, "We are just friends. Why did you ask?"

"I thought you were interested in my friend"

She said that even though she knew that he was interested in her.



"Before I thought that you were someone that does not like other people. People do tell me that you are so stubborn and a trouble maker and you don't back down when someone hurt you"

"Yes and I am still the same"

Ethan was surprised that she will say that. Yes, Carissa is a very stubborn person that won't back down easily. She doesn't care about what people say about her.

"I also heard some people at that your mother is a mistress and that is the reason why you are attending this school"

"And do you believe them?" her voice was calm. Ethan expected her to go mad immediately, but she did not. She was calm instead.

"I would have if I have not meet you and your mother"

"So you don't believe now?"


"How is your mother anyways?" she immediately changed the topic.

Ethan saw that she did not want to talk about it. "She is fine"

The two talked so more before they left the resturant and Ethan took her home.

She went to bed immediately because she was tired so she had no chance to tell Dyosa about the dinner.

Next morning.

After breakfast, Carissa went out with Dyosa to the market to buy ingredients for the meal Elvira will cook later at night. On their way, they talked and laughed.

Some men were sitting near a resturant and spotted Carissa and Dyosa.

"Hey look, those girls are very pretty" a man said.

"Yes, and they both have fair, soft skin" another said.

"How did you know that their skin are soft" the previous man said.

"With the looks of it you will know"

"My friend is good already"

"So should we go to them?" another man said.

"Yes, what are we waiting for" They stood up and walked to Carissa and Dyosa who were still talking.

"Hey, pretty ladies"

Carissa and Dyosa looked up at the men standing in front of them. They are all fat and have big muscles. Dyosa looked at their muscles and swallow the saliva in her mouth and looked at Carissa whose face was calm.