She Is A Slut

Leonel nodded his head and they all went home. When they got home, Elvira prepared him a hot soup to drink. After taking the soup, Leonel glanced at his wristwatch. It was five forty-five pm. He stood up from his chair and was prepared to go home.

"Where are you going to?" Elvira asked.

"I am going back home" he answered.

"Home? But this is your home. Your family is here" Carissa was confused. Why is he calling south cotabota home?

"I know here is my house. My family is here, but my job is there. I can't leave that place yet"

"Oh, okay, but promise you will visit us soon. When you get there, give me a call to know that you are okay"

Elvira does not want him to leave, but she had to.

"Okay, nay" he said and hugged his mother. He waved goodbye at them and left the house.

At south cotabota.

As soon as Leonel got home, he got a call from his friends telling him to come to a restaurant. He put on his jacket that he had placed on the couch and left the house.

At the resturant.

Leonel walked towards his friends who were sitting at the corner of the bar. He pulled out a chair and sat on it. He raised his hand above his head and waved it. A waiter came with a menu in his hand and gave it to Leonel.

Leon collected it and looked at it. "Give me pale ale" he said and handled the menu over to Horace. Horace collected it and gave it back to the waiter. "Give us the same thing he asked" The waiter collected the menu and left.

Horace leaned over the table and moved his face closer to Leonel's, he asked, "what's the result of the DNA test you did?"

The waiter brought the drinks in a tray and placed it on the table then he left. Leonel picked up the drink, moved it closer to his lips and sipped it. He dropped it on the table and said with a smile, "Positive"

Flabbergasted, they said, "Positive?"

Leonel nodded. "Yes. It's positive"

Horace shook his head in disbelief. "It's impossible for it to be positive. Does that mean they are your real family?"

Leonel answered with a "Yes"

They were astonished. They couldn't believe that they were his real family.

Horace said, "But you don't remember anything about them, right?"

Cyrus answered, "Yes, that's true. How sure are you that they are your family?"

Smiling, Leonel said, "I had retrograde amnesia and I can't remember my childhood memories. I had an accident when I was a young boy"

"I need to hear in details. Tell me everything that happened" says Horace.

"Yes. Bro, tell us" Cyrus said.

Leonel picked up his drink and took a mouth full of it before talking. He started with how he lost his memories, Mrs Carolina saving him and taking care of him, the cabelas adopting him and taking him to the states for his treatment and how he regained his memories.

"Does that mean cabela Alexander is not your real name?" Cyrus asked and sipped his drink.

"Yes. My name is Leonel bautista not Alex Cabela"

"Leonel Bautista?" Cyrus and Horace said at the same time.

Leonel nodded his head, "Yes"

"Your real father died when you were young and up till now the murderer has not been found. Right?" Cyrus asked.

Leonel's expression changed immediately. He remembered when he was young, his mother will go to the police station almost every day to ask about the search for the murderer.

Now he has grown up to be a police. He will do everything to get his father's murderer. Leonel has promised his father that he will make those who killed him pay with their lives.


Few days passed away.

Leonel was later transferred to manila police station (Camp Crame). He was finally living with his family at Binondo. Elvira, his mother prepared him special dishes. Sometimes, she will stay in his room and watched him sleeping. He was pampered like a baby.

It was on a Saturday morning. They were about to eat breakfast when they heard noises coming from outside.

"Why are they shouting? Can't they be quiet for once" Carissa was angry.

The noise became louder and louder. Carissa slapped her palm on the table and stood up. "This is not a market. They should stop shouting" she said before leaving the house.

Elvira and Leonel gave each other a questioning look before following Carissa. Only Lola belen was left in the dinning room. She is old and she should not be outside, so she stayed indoor.

They were shocked by what they saw...

Two women were dragging each other's hair. Their clothes were almost torn completely and their hair were all in a mess. They had bruises on their faces, arms and necks.

Elvira immediately rushed to pull them apart. Elvira stood in the middle and spread out her arms, so they won't fight again.

"What is wrong with you both? Why are you fighting each other?" Elvira scolded them.

The one at the left side, Mrs Belinda started to scream again. "She is a prostitute!. A slut!. She should leave my husband alone!. He is married with two kids!. You are a shameless woman!. Husband snatcher!"

The other woman, flora face darkened immediately. "It's not my fault your husband is chasing after me. Do whatever he wants and he will stop chasing after me. I am not shameless"

"You... I will kill you. I promise I will kill you" Mrs Belinda moves forward and was prepared to slap flora, but Elvira pushed her back.

"The both of you should calm down"

Mrs Belinda interrupted immediately. "Calm down? I won't calm down!. This woman wants to snatch my husband and you telling me to calm down. It's not your fault anyways. It's because you don't have a husband"

Mrs Belinda's words were so sharp that it pieced Elvira's heart. She felt sad and tears began to well up in her eyes, but she makes sure it does not fall.

She thought, 'She is telling the truth. I don't have a husband anymore'

Elvira raised her head and said in a low voice. "You are right. I don't have a husband anymore. He died fourteen years because he was killed, but I actually understand your pain and I know how it feels when a woman tries to steal your husband. I understand why you are fighting" She said and turned to look at Carissa and Leonel. "I am very happy to have my children with me"

"Huh, children? I thought she has only Carissa? Then why is she saying children?"

"What is Elvira saying?"

"I am confused too"

People began to talk. They were confused when Elvira said "My children". They only know Carissa as her only child.

Elvira walked towards her son and looked at him with a teary eyes. "This is my son. My long lost son. His name is Leonel. I thought he had died in the fire fourteen years ago, but I was wrong. My son is alive"

"Elvira this is your son?" a woman from the crowd asked and Elvira replied with a "Yes"

Another woman ran out of the crowd and went to Leonel and held his face in her hand. "He is so handsome. Your son is so handsome, Elvira"

People started to walk towards Leonel and soon he was crowed by the people.

"Your son is really back Elvira? But why didn't you tell us that you have a son?"

"I have seen his father's photo before. He so much looks like his father"

Yes. Leonel looks exactly like Nicolas. If you are just seeing Leonel for the first time and you don't know him, you will mistook him as his father.

Leonel has his father's features and character, but he just younger than his father.

People did not even care about Mrs Belinda and flora again. All their attentions were diverted to Leonel. Some girls even began to crush on him immediately they saw him. Some tried to get closer to him, but Carissa stepped forward and stood beside her brother and held his hand. She smiled at the girls and they rolled their eyes at her.

Next day...

Carissa was dressed in her uniform. She walked into the dining room, pulled out a chair and sat down. As she was about to eat, the door opened and Isabelle and Dyosa came in. Dyosa rushed to Carissa and took her food away from her.

"Hey, why did you do that?"

Dyosa lowered her voice into a whisper and said, "Ethan is here. He is waiting for you outside"

Carissa froze immediately. Her eyes opened wide. She swallowed hard and raised her head to look at Dyosa who was smiling.

Leonel noticed them and asked, "Why are you smiling? Did you win a lottery?"

Dyosa shifted her gaze from Carissa to Leonel. She dropped the food on the table, walked towards Leonel and hooked her arms around his neck, then she whispered, "Someone special is waiting for Carissa outside"

Leonel raised his brow in surprise. "Someone special?"

"You don't know him yet" she said and looked at Carissa. "I guess she did not tell you anything"

"Him? It's a him?" Leonel was surprised.

"Yes. It's a him"

Leonel looked at his sister and smiled at her. When Carissa's eyes met with her brother's, she gave him a questioning look. "What? Why are you smiling at me?"

"I heard someone is waiting for you outside. I also heard that he is very special. I will love to meet him"

Damn it. Leonel got it all wrong.

He thought he was Carissa's boyfriend.

Carissa glared at Dyosa angrily. "You..." She wanted to speak, but she did not know what to say. She lowered her head in embarrassment and began to eat her food quickly.

Leonel laughed when he saw his sister. He reached out his hand and lifted her head up. "Do you want to enter the food? The food is entering you and slow down, okay? The food is not running away from you"


She was interrupted by a voice.

"Good morning"

They all turned to the direction of the person and it was Ethan