The Battle

As the teenagers got outside they were greeted by the two friendly teachers who explained what was to happen "Hey 1A this is your time to try your hardest and shine, we will draw names and you will battle so we can analyse your quirk and endurance so good luck!" the class awaited full of excitement and the results were in. " Samire Okuda vs Marume osawa" "Mitsuko Yami vs Kenji Hiroshi" "And finally Suichi Todoroki vs Funaki Kanbe" murmurs flooded the field as people realised the child of the number 4 and 8 hero was here and in their class.

Kenji and Mitsuko had fought before and it was almost always the same outcome, kenji had brute force and power but he was much outclassed in skill and like usual he lost and with a few injuries aswell so they went to recovery woman but now it was Suichis turn and all eyes were on him.

Suichi went to draw his trusty knife until... "crap i forgot phoenix!" luckily he could call it to him but he had to stand there awquardly for a good minute until finally it flew into his hand. he blunted it to restrict any damage and rushed over swepping under kanbe's arm swinging an ice covered fist into his lower backbut then the weirdest thing happened. his attack was shot backwards and he barely stayed on his feet. *Funaki Kanbe Quirk:rubber he can increase the elasticity of any part of his body like rubber and instantly snap it back into place allowing him to fling attacks back to where they came*

suichi used attack after attack but to no success and he remembered something his father had taught him. "Suichi you know about super moves dont you well i have one too flashfreeze heatwave i cool down the air drastically and heat it up expanding the air rapidly causing a sort of explosion and maybe one day you can use it too."

Suichi was incredibly intelligent and he remembered that he learnt in science rubber shrinks when heated so he knew what to do he swiftly dodged the opponents attack and launched the attack creating a massive heat explosion shinking down kanbe and immobilizing him, he had won and izuku just thought to himself "he is just like shoto"