the deathmatch

"you..." suichi steped closer to them "you probably dont remember me but i remember you,"

"oh what's that boy you have met us well that is highly unlikely as few who meet us live"

suichis arm then was covered in frost and got thicker until it extended out in to a blade "you tore us apart and for that..." suichi lifted his arm towards the two "you deserve to die!" the two got a closer look at the boy and realised who he was,

"oh so that is who you are we should have know just by your hair, you are the todoroki's next prodigy and i assume you refering to what did you call him, tesh" suichi grimaced at them saying his name, he was about to mave but was stopped by yami "hey" he whispered "whe need a way to beat them, so listen i will blind them then you should hide us then we go both ways and fire ranged attacks ok you ready right in 321 go!"

yami blasted the floor to blind them momentarily and suichi generated some mist and hid themselves then when the two villain came forward they rushed either way and fired but it was helpless the two vilains stopped the attacks and cleared the mist yami didnt give up though and shot more blasts and hit the villains which infuriated them. the two split up and dashed forward creating portals seperating the two heroes from eachother and suichi found himself in a large dark room "so you brought me here to boost you power with the idea that it would be easier to take me on without yami there," suichi smirked and got up "well you are mistaken because now i can attack full strength without the risk of hurting him!" suichi noticed that the floor was tiled and the walls and roof were wooden. he drew his knife and held it up "so what is a little boy hero doing with a knife,heroes dont use fatal weapons you know"

"well ive put every ounce of my power into it every day for seven years incase i ever came across a villain that my powers couldnt handle"

"so you think you need to use it on me huh"

"no i dont but i can think of another reason to have a knife!"

so that is how it is, you want to kill me, well let the deathmatch commence!" suichi then flicked his knife and it started to glow until a jet of blue flame erupted out of it and into the wooden roof setting it alight in seconds

unlike his regular yellowish orange flames, these ones burned much, much more hotter and he sent them straight at the woman. she dodged and shot forward preducing a knife of her own, she went for his eyes and then his throat but suichi dodged both and pivoted on his left foot and struck her in the back of her head and went to slash her with the blade on his arm, she dodged however and went for an atack of her own that was swiftly blocked this the ice blade. she then swung round going for his neck but suichi slashed up going to take of her arm but at the last second she switched her arm into dark matter and went through his blade, her knife on target to take his head clean off. suichi luckily launched back however the hit conected and slashed his thoat about a centimetre deep and it instantly began to bleed and he could feel the searing pain in his throat. he jumped back and stared on at her. "boy dont you want to know what happened to the body of your friend,"

"shut up, i know what happened you brutally murdered him and probably turned him into a nomu or something horrible like that so dont you dare try to trick me you bitch and ill tell you something"

"oh and what is that exactly!"

"what it means to be a hero" suichi then moved forward speeding up with every step

"what it means to put your life out for others"

he drew back his fist

"what it means to go plus ultra!"

suichi had gotten to close now for her to change form or dodge she had to block

"FLASHFIRE FIIIIIIIIIIST!!!" suichi hit her square in the jaw and sent her crashing through the wall not realising they were high up and she plummeted down to the concrete below she couldnt have survived. suichi fell to the floor in tears "we did it, we did it tesh!"