I can't forget HER

Next day, he was exhausted so he took a nap. He was dreaming again.

A cliff, great thunder and storms, a person, standing in front of him wearing traditional worrier uniform. Everything is same as every nightmare but a woman beside him appears. He can feel pain. Sorrow of distance, afraid as if he need her but going to lose her. he saw blood on his clothes and a knife in her hand.

Suddenly that woman jumped off from the cliff. Even without thinking for a second he jumped after her. As if he know what she will do. Both fell in the water, he catched her in his arms and he noticed a similar face.

It was the same girl he met yesterday in the park. He himself was unaware of the situation. He felt suffocated. Trying hard to swim above but something is pulling him down. He feels desperate to save her, but can't able to do so. He felt as if he lost everything and slowly he pulled her close to himself tried to wake her up. Kissed her and suddenly there was all blood around them.

He woke. huffing. "what was that, that girl, that girl. what she is doing in my dream? Why was she there? Blood? Water? what was all that. The cliff. I was murdered?"

His whole body is trembling. Can't able to think straight. He immediately called his manager Lee.


'What happen my child? Why are you huffing? What's wrong?'

He replied 'I had, I had dream.'

'Yes, I know son. You have nightmare but you never want to talk about it. What happen? Can you give me details?'

'Uncle can you come here. Let's talk when you get here.'

'Okay son, relax! I will be there.' Manager replied. He reached. Daniel was sitting on the chair of his office,

'What happened?' Manager ask. He replied 'A girl appeared in my dream.'

'a girl appeared? But you never had such type of dream Dannie.'

'It was just like before, but my death. Its wasn't by falling from cliff. it's because of that girl.'

'How's that even possible. You have those dream since you were 5 years old baby. I have always listened it from you about your dream but a girl never appeared before. It's for the first time.'

'That girl, I have met her before.' He interrupted.

'What? You met her where? Is she in our agency?'

'No I have met her a day ago. On the day of the fan meeting. that night she was with me.'

'Dannie, my son you have grown up. ha-ha now I get it. That girl, she has nothing to do with your dream. She appeared, maybe because you couldn't forget about your night with her.'

'Is that so? Yeah I'm not in my right mind recently. That girl really bothers me a lot.'

'Ha-ha son. but be careful from now onwards. I don't want baby Dannie without your marriage.'

'Excuse me! What the hell are you thinking about. I just spent time with…. that night. I didn't meant that. what you are thinking?Absolutely nothing happened.'

Manager tackled "hey I'm open minded. You, punk."

He replied "Open minded, my butt I said it's not what you think. Damn you, old grease."

Manager laugh "Acting just like your age is not a crime punk." Manager lee walked away. But Daniel's mind is not at ease. "It's not coz of that incident. Isn't it? Maybe I should forget about her."

Daniel get back to city. And as usual his schedule got all day buzzy.