
She talked to herself. "What a day! At least I got this video rec. now let's go to police station first." She stepped on something. "Ah what's this?"

She ripped her toe with a beer bottle glasses shattered near the garbage bag. "What is this now? it's hurts… she stopped there for a moment and noticed a her image on the glass of a store in front of her. She looked just opposite to what she wanted to be. Wet, messy, dirty and bare feet.

she murmured.

"So this is what I am. Pathetic!". She bended her head downwards.

A sudden shout. "Hey I found her. There she is." .the gangster shouted loudly.

she began to ran. took a turn right which was a narrow path. she ran as fast as she can and got tired. she was panting badly then suddenly,

A hand came out and reached alora's arm and pulled her inside a small hideous place with long walls from 2 side between a store. He hides her with her long winter coat. And an umbrella. From sudden act she clinged to him. The smugglers reached there and muttered to each other

'where is she? Are you sure you saw her?'

No2: spoke. 'Ah I don't know. but I saw that red dress.'

And they started to look around.

Daniel realised the situation and he hide her completely with his coat and umbrella. Alora looked up and thought "I can feel his breathe. His heart beats are fast. We are too close. but..... but... Strangely it's comfortable"

As she stared at him, Daniel looked down.

Their eyes met. Out of curiosity alora tried to pull of his scarf.

Daniel quickly closed her eyes and whispered. "Stay still."

The sudden chill of nervousness and excitement ran through both bodies.

The smuggler noticed them and moved towards them. The other partner stopped him.

And said 'what the hell are they doing in the middle of the street?'

The other said 'that exactly not in the middle of street idiot. they are making out I guess.'

"Hahn my eyes!!! Those horny bastard. Hey there get a room!!!"

No 2: I can't watch this anymore. oho should I throw a rock at them? Stupid drunk young couple these days!"

other smuggler: 'HAHA you are so single. lets get back to work morons.'

Daniel looked down back to her and noticed her lips.

He thought. "Henry said to kiss. Should I kiss her."

She felt a sudden warmth .

he gulped.

Alora asked "are they gone?"

She slowly removed his hand from her eyes. But he again covered her eyes.

'What are you doing? They are gone right?' Alora flinched

He removed his scarf and got close to her. More and more close.

"What is he doing? Why I can't resist him? What is happening? I ... I can again feel his warm breath. My body is getting weak. What's this am I feeling?" she thought.

His head bends down slightly vertical and his lips touched her lips.

"What? my lips??!!... his lips are soft and warm." That's what she thought.

Daniel thought. "WHAT?! Why it didn't work? did it work? I can't remember a thing. What's this? Did I just kiss a strange weird woman? Why?"

He opened his eyes. Her eyes were still closed and she looked lost

He quickly separated and said Sorry.

desperatly ran off.