Can't wait to meet

She explained Maggie the whole incident. And Maggie asked her 'who is he?'

Alora felt butterflies in her stomach as she saw flash of that mysterious man again. Blushing and playing with her finger tips she replied.

'I didn't saw his face. And his coat…'

'Ah Girl! Again coat. This happened five years back too after Daniel's fan meeting. You were with a man. When you woke up all you remember was waiter dress and coat. That coat is with you right? You didn't throw it away?'

feeling so embarrassed she looked the other way and laughed awakward. 'Haha What are you saying? I donated it a long time ago!'

And Maggie continued being dramatic as always.

'Am I fool? you kept seeing that coat for whole month. He was your first crush right? But you didn't saw his face. NOW AGAIN you kissed a stranger also don't know his face? But, as similarity they both were waiter with expensive coats. Isn't its funny and weird at the same time. Your fate sure is weird. By the way, Where is that video you took back then?'

'Don't worry it's with me' she replied.

'okay let's turn it at police station tomorrow. Now just sleep well okay?' saying so they went for sleep.

The next morning, They both went police station and with the help of video police got help in finding those men. Plus, the drug smuggling case was also solved. Officer said Alora to be extra careful because they already saw her face. She asked them about getting her money back? But they replied it's not possible until they catch them. Alora and Maggie came out.

Maggie panicked. 'what to do? My parents said they will be back in two days. I am so sorry dear. you know them well. you know how they are. she started sobbing.

(Pat-Pat) comferting her she replied 'we will find a way. I still have two days left in account Hehe'

She went for the hospital and Maggie to her boutique. As she reached the hospital she saw huge rush towards dr. park's office.

She asked Perry and yumi 'hey what are you both doing here? What are all they doing there?'

They got so excited and screamed "Daniel came here!"

"why?" she asked in shock.

"We don't know!" Both replied at same time. yumi started jumping smacking on Perry's back hard. Disgusted by her act he moved 2 hand back.

Alora controlling her laugh moved forward pushing bunch of nurses and doctors in her way and finally entered in the office.

"Good morning dr." seeing the situation her eyes widened.

'Oh good morning. Daniel she is my assistant dr. Alora Smith.'Dr. park replied.

Daniel stands up and got closer to her moving his hand out and said. "Nice to meet you miss Alora Smith" with a big smile.

Alora pulled her eyebrows up confusingly. looked down to his hands and greets him too

"nice to meet you too Mr. Daniel."

She looked confusingly towards dr. Park while Daniel kept shaking her hand with a big smile.

'Daniel can you sit down now? I need to explain Alora about situation.' dr. Park asked him responding to awkward situation. 'Alora you come with me in the lab.'

"Oh yes." She followed dr. and after leaving the room she looked back at him but his eyes never was away from her. So she smiled back in a weird way and thought

"is all actors smile that weird?"

They both in the lab and Alora asked.

'Dr. what is that you wanted to tell me? And Mr. Danie.l is here for treatment?'

'Now he is your patient alora.' he replied.

"What?!!" she tilted her slightly and asked. 'But why doctor. You were his doctor.' she panicked.

'It's Just I'm tired. For all this 9 years. Now I can't tolerate more. You don't need to do anything just help him to get a good sleep.' He replied cold sweating and beings as clam as possible.

'Sleep? At least give me some good reason so that it makes sense. Why would I? there are more experienced dr. in this field than me?'

"The pay is high alora. 5000$ a month."

Alora pouted and folded her arms and Within in a second she said. 'Dr. what do you take me for? ..... pausing for a moment she continued Well when do I start my work?'

He smirked as he knew that she'll never refuse this high pay.

'You have to sign a contract. it's much difficult work than it seems.' He replied.

'Difficult? Why?' she asked.

'Well you will get it as soon as you start working with him. It's not easy to get him to sleep.' he grinned.

As their conversation ended they came back to office and dr. park said. 'She is ready so whenever you get time come with the contract.'

'I already made one. Alora just need to sign it.'

Alora's eyes again widened and she thought "What? Already made one! I just need to sign? And alora? are we close or what? calling me by my first name."

Dr. park laughed "When did you get time? We talked yesterday…

He pointed awkwardly giving him a hint with his eyes.

Daniel replied as he pointed at her. 'Ah that when you just recommended her I wondered how great is she? I was so curious that's why I can't wait to meet her.'

Drop Dead Silence.....