Spicy start

On the other side Maggie went to meet her next date. Maggie thought to herself. 'Who's this time?! Hope not another showoff psychopath.' She was tired of being played by her father. He didn't ever was supportive towards her decisions.

She reached the restaurant and asked for her reservation. Waiting.

An unknown voice reached her from behind being too close to her ears

'seems like finally I have met the one I was waiting so desperatly for! Miss Maggie?'

She turned flinching. 'Excuse me?!'

Taking a look at that unknown man from head to toe she replied 'Ah Yes!'

Gorgeous man. Blonde short hair perfectly held back , big sparkling eyes with too long eyelashes for a man And at last a navy coloured suit with a Maroon tie for completing his buisness man look.

'Are you done checking me out?' he smiled innocently.

'Oh no I didn't! I just..' She felt embarassed. But as of habbit she did check him out again.This time flustered by being caught up.

'Relax love. Pleased to meet you. Am your todays company Henry.'

(Yes that henry no need to be so shock)

'Nice to meet you too Mr. henyry.' She smiled awkwardly. They both shake hands.

'Your dad was right you are really beautiful.'

'Pardon? Nice first try Mr. Henry but I don't like cheesy boys.'

'My bad miss.' he backed off a little then said. 'Let's sit first.'

'What a Dumb dumb loser! Handsome though.' she thought. They both sat and begin their conversation.

'So Maggie I heard you own an expensive boutique.'

He asked.

'Sorry to cut in between but let's just be on the point.' Maggie continued.

'Sorry What?'

'All our family want from this wedding is money! and to keep their status high in this fucking society. So let's do so. I have no intension of getting married so soon, the fuck engagement would be enough to spread rumors of a happy family. So let's do so.' Taking a deep breath. Holding and releasing slowly, Noticing no reaction from him she continued.

'Enough from my side. If you agree with me then great. Else there isn't 0.1 % of a chance that I will marry you.'

'Pretty harsh and bold kitten han? I like it.' He Mutter slow and smirked.

'What did you say?' she shook not believing that she has been called a bold kitten.

'Okay I'm ready. But I have a condition.'

'What condition?'

'First, date me for a month.' He smiled

this time no innocents can be seen in his eyes. She felt his soul playful. 'For a month? Listen Mr..' she was saying but he continued.

'If you can't then it's a yes. I will definitely marry you. You know your dad will never count your no or your yes. So it all depend on one yes from my side.'

Raising her eyebrow she asked. 'Are you shameless or a man with no conscience?'

'Let's just say I like your attitude my kitten.' He winked.

'Jerk!' clenching her fist she muttered.

'Well baby no woman has ever said that in front of my face. You got some kink shit han?!' smirking

'Let's just say I didn't come here at all and listen carefully you pervert! I am not gonna date your ass! Call my dad and say it's a big fat no!'

'I'll not do that.' He replied.

Hearing those stubborn words lava bubble popped inside her. Calming herself she replied. 'Do whatever you want but don't expect me to meet you again.'

She moved her hands to her phone and started walking out. While henry was smiling, and he whispered "let's see what's in our fate kitten. Oooooooo nice ass tho."

She turned. Smiled, showed him middle finger and lip sign "fuck off bastard".

He laughed "Very interesting…. Very interesting this one gonna be fun to play with. She thinks that I will actually marry her….. uff total my style." He thought.

She came out of the restaurant and shouted thumping her feet on ground. 'AHhhhhhhhh what the FUCK!!! What's with this guy. I hate him. Oh gwaad. Why can't he just reject."

While she was cursing him her phone rang showing an unknown number. Claming herself thing it must be of her customer she received. "hello?"

"Oh hey babe. It's me you just met.Your lover. In case you miss me I called you, save my number you have to hear this voice often now."

"You bastard! Piece of shit!! shit ass hang up right now or else i will rip your big ass apart and don't call me ever!"

People starts staring at her. She said sorry and walked away.

Maggie reached home.

'Alora! I missed you.' She hugged her.

'I missed you too. What happened?'

'That guy is a jerk.' Maggie replied.


'The guy I met today. He asked me to date him then he'll decide to say yes or no to my dad.'

'Well all men are headache. Nothing new.' Alora replied.

'Hey you sound like a married woman.'

'Right?! I also feel like that. I do all the households and his nagging. Oh god help me please!'

'But you don't look like you are annoyed at all. Instead you look better and happier than before.'

Maggie folded her hands.

Alora laughed. replied. 'What are you saying…hehe... it's doesn't make sense I am totally annoyed by him. I don't like him.

'Oh-Ho What's this? sudden fishy smell. I never mention that and why are you avoiding my eye contact?!' She asked mischievously.

'Hey I am usually like that.'

this time looking I'm her eyes she replied.

'Holly shit! You like him!'