I'm Born

So although I can't remember most of the moments from this begining, my mother and aunt (God rest he soul) really never made me forget it. Well kinda. You know what I mean.

So I was born 6 and a half to 7 months premature.

Came out looking slightly bigger than a drum stick. Yes I've seen the pictures, I really was that small.

Like very small. Like nurses bathing me in an eating bowl small.

I know, hard to believe.

Anyways, apparently doctors told my mom to toss me in the bin cos her son would not survive.

Of course obviously since I'm typing this means she didn't agree thank God. Else how would I get to experience all the wonderful things life has given me so far. Sex.

And all the wonderful experience I've gone through, sex.

And all the tough memories I've acquired to shape me up to the man I am today. Sex!!

Well anyway, my parents married when they were both very young. Mom was 19 ish and dad was 21 ish. Again my mom never let me forget cos she told me constantly. CONSTANTLY.

I don't know, maybe she was expecting me to carry on the family tradition or something.

They got married in 82' and for 10 years no baby. Now the problem was this is Africa. The mentality back then was a bit different.

Well not just in Africa, it's everywhere but I guess maybe it's a bit stronger here in Africa.

I know my mom has been through quite a bit and I've never really told anyone this but honestly I sometimes blame myself.

Maybe if I had come earlier. I know it's dumb to thing that way, but meh, can't help it, it's a really strong self blame I can't seem to get rid off.

I love you Ma. I know I your son barely express my emotions but believe me, I cherish you more than you know.

I guess I'm dedicating this first chapter to you. Your son, Carl.