
So, how can we talk about finding treasure and basking in the euphoria of our find, without talking about one of us getting caught; Because let's be honest. Whatever goes up will surely be powerbombed hard back down. I'll give you a hint who it was; My brother.

Oh, i had never laughed and cried so hard in my entire life. Like i said. We had found treasure, and we were thoroughly making good use of it. Unfortunately my brother enjoying it a bit too much. He would go for it every single chance he got. We had somehow learned to beat the meat so it was understandable, but he was just going HAM. I was almost scared for him, but he had a big penis which i was jealous of so i hoped it would fall off from overuse.

He got so invested to the point where he would no longer sent the DVD back. He kept it hidden in our room. Hidden from even me; The progenitor. The finder. Me, the founder. Me, the discoverer. So it was safe to say when he got caught, my petty side showed it's ugly head.

The plan was simple. We watched every time the house was empty. Safer. We would scramble and go put it back if our parents arrived, because we could delay opening the gates long enough for us to put it back. But this time my brother decided to be a daredevil and watch when our elder sister was around. Oooo. (In case you missed it, that was a ghost sound. I don't know why, just roll with it.)

I don't know where he decided to get that courage but we need that courage in the army.

Now, since there was an adult in the house, it meant he had to sit right in front of the TV, even if it meant burning out his eyes, it would be a necessary sacrifice. The volume was, of course, low as well. So he could react quickly and take the disc out of the DVD player.

I would occasionally do a hit and run style watching. Like i would come and see which scene they had gotten to, but i eventually got bored and went to sit at the porch. I could still see the TV from there, although just barely, and at the same time, i could act as a lookout for him. I'm such a good brother.

So, here is where it get's interesting. So as my good brother was getting into into it, i saw my sister enter the house.

Now, the door that connects the porch and the hall, or living room is always locked for some reason. That meant if you wanted to get into the house, you would have to go through the back door, which has now over the years become the front door, i suppose. So back/front door, through the corridor, then into the living room. More that enough time to clean up the crime scene, i would say. We had already tested it out after all.

So my sis entered, and i alerted him; We had practiced it a million times already. Press eject on the DVD player, the disc comes out, you shove it in your pants, switch to TV, and finally pick a relaxed pose. We beat the drills into ourselves, so even if we suddenly become strapped for time, we could just skip the last two and pretend to be inserting a different disc we were about to watch. Because of that we always had a dummy disc ready and open in case we needed to go to plan B.

So, sis has entered through the back, just like we practiced; Eject. Except this time, the DVD decided it was not in the mood to eject the disc. I was standing in the porch watching this. I saw his eyes widen as he kept pressing the eject button. DVD player said, 'haha, no'. Oh, my, God. I was laughing so hard, but i had to cover my mouth so i don't give anything away; The forced down laughter was making my ribs and stomach hurt. My sis was closing in, he couldn't skip to plan be if the first step, open the friking DVD player, was not even functioning.

So he went to plan C. He put off the DVD. and sat on the couch with his legs crossed.

Now, those of you that remember, you had to switch the TV to AV blue screen before being able to watch a DVD. Since he turned off the DVD player, he just sat there with his legs crossed just staring at a blue screen, At this point, I felt my insides on fire. I stop-laughed so hard i had tears in my eyes. Have you ever laughed so hard you actually looked to someone for help?

I think my sister was heading to the kitchen, but when she saw his pose, it made her divert to the living room instead. Even i found it weird, my brother had never crossed his legs ever in his life. He looked completely unnatural. I'm sure my sister felt same when she was crossing and decided to check on him. What did she find when she entered? My crosslegged brother staring at a blue screen in seriousness.

"What are you doing?" She asks

"Watching a movie." He said. I saw her stare at the blue screen, then back at my brother, then back at the blue screen for probably a good ten seconds, before finally asking, "What movie?" only to be met with silence.

I could see the confusion in her eyes and soul.

So she did the next logical thing, put on the DVD player.

Let me pause here.

I have to give it up for my brother; He sat the like a champ. Like a boss. He was pale and sweating like a drowning fish, but his eyes did not betray his resolve one bit.

So, my sister puts on the DVD, and it was at this moment that the DVD player felt like it was done with whatever it was doing to the disc , and open.

My sister just stared at the disc in the open DVD player for i swear, like 5mins. After acting like a sister and asking the obvious, "Is this what you were watching?", she took the disc out and left. She's an older sister, of course she was going to tell on him. That's what big sister's did. They told on you. Well, not my other sister. She would just beat you up. She was scary strong and i did not ever want to get on her bad side.

My brother couldn't even be bothered to turn the TV and things off. He just went to bed. He lay there all through afternoon to the evening, not even caring about food.

He received his beautiful beatings, and let's be honest, i received my share as well.

What, it is an African family; even if i did not receive beatings by default, it stood to reason, that i was definitely part of the whole thing. They came to the conclusion that it was me that brought it out, which by the way is so unfair. This round of beating did not hurt though. The look on my brother's face made all the pain just float away. It was beautiful.