Snitch, Narc, and Straight up Dick.

This story is from my second grade, or as we call it here, class two. It was 1990-something, I cant' remember correctly. Back then we wrote with pencils, so if you made a mistake, you could just erase with the eraser. We would only start using a pen in class three. Because we assume at that time, you were more versed in writing better? *shrugs*. Regardless, me using the pencil at that time benefited me.

It was almost the end of the term, and like every other kid, we were dreading the upcoming exam, but couldn't wait for when we could go home for the holiday.

Now, we were asked to go through the our class works to make sure there were no mistakes. Now that i think about it as an adult, it was probably a terrible idea for a teacher could ask their student to do; Especially so, to ask a class two child to do that. Maybe it was something teachers did; It would be nice if a teacher could explain to me though.

Anyway, teacher hands out, book after book. Checking after checking, and i saw my shitty marks over and over again.

Don't get ahead of me, now.

So finally, we get to the math book, and yeesh. So many terrible marks. Terrifying, instead? When i looked at my work and marks, and turned to look at others' work and marks, i felt so odd. My marks were, i would not say surprising, but it was surprisingly lower, compared to the others i was comparing myself to. I could have set the bar far lower for myself and compare with the other kids with the low marks, but who would? I mean, it did feel good to compare with those kids, like, "haha. I passed you.", but no.

But! There was an opportunity. I saw it, and i took it. How, as a class two kid, for such a thought to pop into my head, to this day, baffles me. One, we used pencils, two, i had an eraser, and three, i was surrounded by multiple books that had the right answers; Put one, two and three together, and what do you, get? A bright idea.

So what do i do? I do what any kid would have done. I clean, rewrite, and take for remark. Now, it could not be continuous nor too many changed answers on the same page. I knew it would raise suspicion if it seemed the teacher made too many mistakes.

Now, here is why i tell this story. There was another kid by me who saw the whole thing. The part that i think pissed him off was, anytime i returned from the teacher, my marks just got higher and further away from his. At first, he took the pleasure of knowing he had higher marks than me. But now? I had the weird gal to do what i was doing, and he was afraid to try.

So what did he do? He took, no, stole my book, and quickly run to the teacher, pointing out, surprisingly, all, and i do mean, ALL, the things i changed. The teacher looked at me with surprise and probably disgust, and just kept my book. I stared at the snitch who was smiling to himself at his little accomplishment with a sad expression. I was not sad because i was caught or anything. No, i was sad for him. Here was a kid who was probably going to live his entire life that way. Snitching to get ahead, or for people to like him. Sad.

Samson, where ever you are, i hope you have actual friends. Real friends.

I don't know; Maybe i'm just holding a petty grudge from way back then. Don't judge me.