

Regan replied with a friendly nod then walked over to the coffee machine and began making some coffee. Then she looked through Doc. Layla's cabinets in search of milk. Regan locked eyes on the big tin holding back a smile two years ago? Wow someone needs to start cleaning out their cupboards she muttered to herself as she pulled out the milk and started adding spoonfuls into both cups. Then she pulled out a creamer inside her black bag and began to open it.

"What's that?" Doc. Layla asked stopping her conversation with her friend when she noticed Regan pulled some out of her bag and began pouring it into the cups.

"Ah! I found this really good creamer and since you are a die-hard coffee lover, I decided to buy it for you," Regan smiled.

"Ooo, how considerate! Please do then," Doc. Layla chuckled then turned back to her friend.

Slowly Regan poured some creamer into the cups and mixed it in. The scent of expired milk and smooth creamer with a dose of poison, which floated off the cups of coffee, filled her mind with glee and gave her an adrenaline rush.

"Your coffee is ready!" Regan grinned placing the cups in front of the two ladies.

"Ah, yes! My fuel in life has arrived," Mrs. Layla laughed as she picked up the cup and took a deep breath in savoring the aroma of the coffee, "what a unique and refreshing taste, I might have to employ you as my coffee maker."

The officer chuckled in agreement.

"Hmm, I know," Regan smiled, a rush of satisfaction flowed through her as she watched them drink the coffee.

"A nice taste too," Officer Gradis commented, "better than those coffees I drink every day that cost $8."

Regan sat down and continued to stare as the ladies finished the coffees.

Doc. Layla laid down her cup completely refreshed from the new taste her patient had created.

"Lemme help you with that," Regan suggested, picking up Layla's cup then silently waited for Officer Gradis to finish hers before taking it too, "I'll get these nice and clean."

"You don't need to, I can do those myself," Doc. Layla laughed.

"No, don't worry, I need to find a way to repay you for your help aside from paying you for the therapist session," Regan giggled, nearly wincing at the pain around her lips from smiling constantly.

"If you say so," Doc. Layla accepted.

Regan hurriedly washed the cups wiping away every trace of the coffee she had made and the lip marks on the cup. Then after washing it all off, placed the cups down, dried them with a tissue paper from her bag, and then proceeded to make another set of coffee, this time excluding the creamer mixed with poison, but using plenty of the expired milk.

"You don't mind if I make another cup right? I'm sure that wasn't enough," Regan suggested.