
Season 2: Chapter 1

The clocks on the walls ticked and tocked, finding momentum in the seconds of their life. The birds still chirped and fluttered around singing to their friends and spreading a merry tune in the air. They perched on the heads of graves for a moment then flew away in fear of the cold it engulfed them in that one moment. But why did that cold, that calling for death seem so comforting to Damien?

He placed his hand on a grave then walked down the line, his fingers running against the surface of two others. He stopped at the third grave and looked at his fingers, they stared back at him pure and innocent, not scarred with the dust and grim death left on the graves of others. It was a reminder of how new these bodies were to the touch of the ground, how recently they had been embraced by death. A reminder of the pain that it took to get them in the ground. Damien turned away from the graves and the pang of guilt in his heart forced him to feel sick at the sight of the names engraved in the graves, Bella Wickman, Doc. Layla Millton, Ella Domino. Damien walked down the flowery path leading out of the cemetery, his hands shook in his pocket where it was forced to hide from the piercing gaze of a predator waiting for any faults before pouncing on her prey, waiting for it to be exhausted before biting down on her meal, Gradis.

"Did you have a fun walk?" Gradis smiled upon spotting Damien, "wasn't it so satisfying to look at the results of your hard work."

"Of course," Damien lied, "it's just a bit nauseating realizing how long it took to finish the job."

"I'm sure it was," Gradis agreed, watching Damien's back as he entered her limo.

Gradis slipped into the seat beside him in the back nodding her head towards the driver to signal him to get going. They sat in silence for a bit before she cleared her throat.

"You didn't have to do that you know? Could have just made it a hobo serial killer case," Gradis commented, turning to Damien, "you know, clean the streets a bit."

Damien took a second before replying knowing every word he would say would be dissected and thoroughly listened to for any mistakes. He wanted to stay on her good side so badly, to be in favor so much.

"What had to been done has been done, it would have been bothersome having them crawling to you after someone they care about suddenly disappears," Damien sighed, "it's better to silence them for life by the person who they find precious so they don't question anything."

Gradis smiled leaning in, "that's why you are so valuable," she kissed his cheeks, "you know exactly what needs to be done."

Damien resisted the urge to smile and cry, "no kisses, my girlfriend just died."

"Girlfriend?" Gradis growled, "seriously? You can't be so devoted to someone who you killed."

Damien bopped her nose, smiling, "if I don't get into my role now how will I do when it's time to act?"

Gradis blushed turning away from Damien.

"We're here," the driver announced stopping in front of Damien's house.

Damien immediately opened the car door and prepared to leave, when a hand held on to his shirt, stopping him.

"Hey," Gradis smiled, "don't be late for the show."

Damien grinned taking Gradis' hand and kissing it, "I would never be late for the night of my life."

He let go of Gradis and closed the door behind him, walking away from the limo and stood in front of his house. Waving with a smile as the limo pulled away. Then as he saw it turn the corner he turned around and furiously opened the gate protecting his house and immediately ran down the stone path lined by flowers and leaped onto his house's front steps. Quickly he pulled out his house key and opened his front door.

"Soap, I have to find soap."

*Keep reading*





WELCOME TO SEASON Y'ALL!!! Did you miss me? I must say that the break was much more relaxing than I expected it to be and now I'm back with more drama that I know you guys love!! Sacrifice some votes for me XD and I love to see your comments s bless me with some! I missed y'all! Let's get ready for the upcoming drama now, shall we?