

A shoe slammed into the tv, pushing it to the ground. It fell with a loud thump, glass shattering and the words drifting out of the tv fizzed to a growl before becoming inaudible, losing the charm it had that made it stand out from the blandness in the room.3.

"Liar," Regan cried, "LIAR!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, taking off her other shoe and smashing the broken tv further. The glass impaled her hand as she continued to attack the tv, hoping her anger would meet the liar on the other end, "HOW COULD YOU?!" She cried her hands shaking in disappointment and her broken heart fueled her anger as she continued to hit the tv.

She broke down, her body melting from the indescribable ache her heart thumped to the rhythm of and she fell to her knees, body slamming into the pile of broken glass beneath her knees. They pushed into her skin pricking her body with tiny needles as the real sword lounged into her heart.

"Why?" She sobbed raising her bloody hands to her eyes to hide her tears, "WHY DAMIEN? How could you… to me? I-"

She pressed her body into the wall, seeking comfort from the cold walls as she wiped her tears with her bloody hands, begging the tears to stop flowing, begging her heart to stop ripping itself for a liar, but she couldn't. Why? She sobbed, hot salty tears sliding unto her lips, stinging her cheeks with heat. She had never felt so rejected in her life. Ella pushing her away was fine, and Bella never had the chance to... but... Damien. Even the thought of it made her brain slam down on the self destruct button, again and again.

She wanted to die so badly, drown in the pool of blood she had left others in, to end her life in the misery she had caused. She wanted to leave everything behind. She wasn't needed anyway, all she caused was anguish even in her closest friends. Regan scratched her hair madly, fingers clawing into her head, as her mind filled with ways to end it all. But...despite the craziness in her mind and the anger and defeat she felt, she wanted his embrace more than anything. She longed for the warmth from him in a long hug where he would whisper to her about how much he loved her, about how much he missed her, about how much he longed for her.

"Why?" Regan wailed her mind unable to process the shutdown in all her emotions. Despite all, she just wanted him, despite how much he burned and ripped her apart, all she wanted was his comfort. It was like she had been tamed so well that she became a domesticated pet that scuffled at her master's feet begging to be noticed, to be praised. Pathetic. Everything about her seemed so pathetic she felt sick from it. Why was she so foolish? Was she blind? What happened to her mind? ...Why wasn't he here with her? She missed him so much.

"Please…" Regan begged, "please just come back," she sniveled, burying her head into the warmth of the blood in her hand, "please, I need you… I miss you."

Warm hands pulled her close, warming her with a blanket of warmth.

"It's ok, you're safe," the voice muttered.

Regan trembled in his arms.

"I know this might not be who you want, but you need this, I can leave if you want," the voice coaxed calming her.

"No," Regan muttered, her mouth opening against her will, "stay."

The voice grinned his arms holding her tighter, "breathe, I'm right here, I may not be who you need, but I will help you as much as you need."

Regan buried her head in the man's chest, her bloody hands held onto his shirt holding him close, "stay here, all I need is the warmth it shouldn't matter who I get it from."

Regan's heart throbbed in protest, liar it whispered. It wasn't that she didn't care who she got it from, but she knew she won't receive it from the person she needs the most.

Regan stayed in the man's embrace, her eyes closing to rest. His cold hands held on her waist but his warm body covered her body, wide shoulders like a shield and her mind shut off in his arms. Warmth.