

Regan blinked, trying to comprehend the situation, her mind blanks for a moment before his insult sank in, and a blush spread across her face, "S-shut UP!!!" she scolded, hitting his back.

Vixen chuckled as he tried to avoid Regan's hits. He dodged one quickly and threw a pillow at her face.

"HEY!" Regan exclaimed, her voice rising in anger as she sprong to her feet on her bed and picked up the pillow.

"Hahaha," Vixen chuckled as she threw the pillow back at him.

Regan flopped back on her bed, pouting when the pillow brushed passed him. She watched him laugh his way away from her, "COME BACK HERE!"

Vixen stumbled his way to the middle of the room and saw the box on the table, through his fits of laughter. 'Ah..right' he thought to himself as he reached down and picked up the box.

"WHAT ARE Y-" Regan began but stopped when she noticed the medium-sized box in Vixen's hand, her guard going up as he approached her with it.

Vixen sat down on her bed and pushed the present in front of her face.

"This is?" Regan asked, taking the box from him.

"Happy birthday," Vixen grinned.

"Happy…" Regan's eyes widened and traveled down to the present in her hand. She hesitated for a moment but then quickly pulled the cover off and her eyes widened at the present, then her face twisted into a sigh as she pulled out her present.

She lifted her present, a pair of shoes, and a remote in Vixen's face, "this is my present?"

Knock Knock

Regan's head turned to the door and back to Vixen in confusion.

"Ah, the other present is here," Vixen grinned, walking to the door and disappearing behind the door.

Regan waited for a few seconds before getting up to see what was happening, "Vixen? What is-" her words trailed to a stop as she watched Vixen walk in, carrying a tv in his arms. "What the hell…"

Vixen heaved the TV in and dropped it on the table, turning back to Regan with a smile, "second present."

"What in the-" Regan began.

"Remember how you broke your TV and destroyed your shoes a week ago?" Vixen asked.

"Are these?" Regan asked, realizing the reason behind the presents, and broke into a fit of laughter, "You seriously felt the need to replace them? Haha."

"Of course," Vixen chuckled, standing up straight proudly, "that and the fact that I had to replace them soon."

Regan stared at him questionably for a moment before sighing happily, "you really found a way to use my b-day to benefit you?"

"Of course, I always have to find a way to benefit myself in whatever I do," Vixen grinned.

Regan burst into laughter and started hitting Vixen on his back playfully, "such a thoughtful person!" She teased.

Vixen took the beatings, laughing along with Regan for a while before realizing something, "did you not like my gifts?" he asked sadly.

Regan paused for a moment and looked at the presents. They weren't the best, but they were thoughtful even though they had another purpose. "Of course I didn't!" She lied, putting on an exaggerated fit of anger, "it's just a TV and a pair of shoes! I could've gotten better than that!"

Vixen grinned catching her hand before she gave him another hit, "that's good, cuz I still have one more try at giving the best gift."

"You.. what?" Regan asked, confused at his comment.

"Come here," Vixen commanded, tightening his grip on her hand and dragging her to the bed.