
Family Meeting

"Wow… what a great way to begin a new day and end the one before," Julian chuckled, trying to lighten the mood as he continued down the hallway to Matheio's room.

No reply.

He glanced at Gradis, locking eyes with her and stared for a moment before nodding in Matheio's direction frantically.

Gradis watched him curiously, "is there something wrong with your head o-" she began, shutting up when she realized what he meant.

"I must admit, your day sounds better than mine Matte," Gradis continued smoothly sliding off her last sentence. She waited to see some type of response from Matheio, but got nothing, so she continued, "I was stuck in the office most of the time,

"I woke up, had coffee, went to work, came back home, and had more coffee. Then I continued to work after I got home. When I think about it… you guys were the highlight of my day… and maybe my week even."

Matheio flinched at that, a smile creeping on his once stoic face, "really?"