

"Can't say I'm surprised to hear that," Regan shrugged as she bit down on the pancakes. "Tell Antonin he's right."

"Seems like you hear that a lot," Ryder chuckled.

"No, I tell myself that a lot," Regan chuckled, "I've grown to adjust."

"In that case then nevermind," Ryder smirked.

Regan grinned and continued to eat. She had finished two pancakes when she set down her fork and knife and turned to Ryder. 

"Why is Antonin hiding? He's obviously interacting with me so why is he going in and out like that?" Regan asked as she licked her finger. 

Ryder froze for a moment before grinning, "Let's just say, he's on lockdown."

"Lockdown? What is this? Some attack going on in your mind?" Regan teased.

"Hmm, something like that. He's also annoying me right now since he keeps on going something I don't like so I shut him down a bit," Ryder smugly smiled.