

Vixen lifted her head gently and examined her face. She looked thin. She had been throwing up her food again.

"Ah… you stupid," Vixen muttered, as he looked down at her face. 

"C-cold… I-I'm cold," Regan stuttered through quivering lips. 

"Yeah," Vixen sighed, "I heard you the first time." 

Regan gave a brief chuckle. "D-Damien?"

Vixen's eyes rolled into their sockets. "Like he'd be anywhere near this building. Or near you," she mumbled. 

"What did you say Dammy?" Regan asked, a smile on her face. "It's been a while since I heard you."

"That's cuz' it isn't him," Vixen snapped, "it's Vixen."

"Ah…" Regan muttered. Her face switched to a frown. "Who are you?" 

Vixen's mouth opened but no words came out. "Nevermind. Are you still cold?"