

Ryder flinched, wanting to get mad at Vixen's sharp tone. He turned away in a huff. He couldn't find a reason to.

"What do you suppose to do?" Ryder asked. 

"For one, you need to understand the fact that this is needed for Regan," Vixen muttered. His eyes exerting threat onto Ryder. "And don't you dare ask for what's wrong with her. Do not spill a word of my appearance and do not try to get out any information that you didn't get from this situation."

"What?" Ryder cocked his head, his anger rising, "why do you always speak in parables."

"Because I don't speak to sim-" Vixen began, stopping when he realized Regan's presence in the room. "Every single thought in your mind. Or every single question you'll want to ask her when I leave. If the answer hasn't been given to you from the recent events you just faced, then don't ask the question. It was probably meant for you not to know."